Protein Contact Maps

By Benjamin Rafferty1; Zachary Carl Flohr1; Ashlie Martini1

1. Purdue University

Create and view protein contact maps and distance maps.

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Version 1.3 - published on 25 Aug 2020

doi:10.21981/02DQ-MT84 cite this

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World usage

Location of all "Protein Contact Maps" Users Since Its Posting

Cumulative Simulation Users


4 8 11 12 19 21 21 23 26 27 28 31 34 37 38 39 44 50 51 53 56 58 59 62 63 64 68 73 75 80 82 83 84 85 89 91 91 93 94 95 101 104 106 106 109 110 117 118 119 121 123 127 132 133 134 136 138 141 144 145 147 152 154 157 161 166 171 174 174 177 180 181 182 186 188 192 196 196 198 202 203 203 205 206 209 210 215 217 219 220 221 222 223 227 231 232 237 240 242 246 250 254 255 260 261 264 269 271 272 276 278 279 308 349 353 358 363 367 379 384 394 403 410 419 427 441 445 451 461 470 480 490 494 504 510 515 525 531 540 546 553 561 567 570 572 578 585 602 609 613 615 620 626 630 634 640 646 647 653 666 679 681 683 686

Simulation Runs


82 103 115 122 156 163 193 198 206 210 211 230 239 250 261 266 316 353 355 359 379 400 424 437 460 482 502 519 530 553 557 559 561 497 510 524 524 527 528 535 556 571 576 576 594 595 616 625 626 633 642 668 687 689 694 696 708 733 749 753 785 814 980 1323 1346 1368 1397 1487 1542 1574 1602 1616 1627 1674 1747 1826 1879 1914 1956 2016 2021 2021 2027 2029 2037 2040 2055 2061 2081 2084 2087 2091 2094 2105 2118 2121 2180 2184 2192 2207 2218 2233 2241 2264 2277 2284 2313 2315 2317 2341 2330 2332 2498 2710 2723 2738 2767 2780 2833 2951 3005 3062 3080 3159 3191 3285 3303 3336 3368 3427 3542 3621 3657 3704 3739 3773 3820 3852 3880 3982 4011 4038 4058 4065 4076 4110 4139 4333 4415 4438 4447 4459 4484 4560 4587 4606 4620 4673 4691 4733 4823 4914 4922 4932
Average Total
Wall Clock Time 3.19 hours 687.38 days
CPU time 8.33 seconds 11.95 hours
Interaction Time 48.96 minutes 175.58 days