Tags: energy efficiency

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  1. Mini Course: Searching for the Milli-Volt Switch

    Online Presentations | 17 Apr 2020 | Contributor(s):: Center for E3S, Sapan Agarwal

    Sapan Agarwal, a PhD student at UC Berkeley, leads a mini course on Searching for the Milli-volt Switch. Sapan is a student in the NSF Funded Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science.

  2. E3S Theme II: Nanomechanics eBook

    Downloads | 22 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science (editor), Tsu-Jae King Liu, Farnaz Niroui, Edgar Acosta, Sergio Fabian Almeida, Vladimir Bulovic, Sara Fathipour, Jinchi Han, Jeffrey H. Lang, Mariana Martinez, Jose Mireles, Rawan Naous, Benjamin Osoba, Jatin Patil, Bivas Saha, Mayuran Saravanapavanantham, Urmita Sikder, Vladimir Stojanovic, Timothy Swager, Aldo Vidana, Junqiao Wu, Alice Ye, David Zubia

    This eBook was written by faculty, postdoctoral researchers, students, and staff of the Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science (E3S). The Center is a consortium of five world-class academic institutions: University of California at Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,...

  3. CNRS - Carbon Nanotube Interconnect RC Model

    06 Oct 2017 | Compact Models | Contributor(s):

    By Jie LIANG1, Aida Todri2

    1. CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) 2. CNRS

    This CNT Interconnect Compact Model includes a solid physics understanding and electrical modeling for pristine and doped SWCNT as Interconnect applications. SWCNT resistance and capacitance are...




  5. [Illinois] AVS Meeting 2012: Vacuum Insulation Panels with Tensile Supports to increase the Energy Efficiency of a Building's Envelope

    Online Presentations | 04 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Alan D. Feinerman

    Heating and cooling accounts for at least 36% of the energy consumed in the US and in nearly all cases increasing the insulation (R-value) of the thermal barrier will reduce the energy consumed. Space and economic considerations usually limit the insulation in the walls of a building's envelope...