Tags: environmental science

Resources (1-14 of 14)

  1. Water, Water Everywhere but Not a Drop to Drink!: A SCALE K-12 Curriculum Unit

    Teaching Materials | 22 May 2024 | Contributor(s):: Rachel E Gehr, Siddika Selcen Guzey, Andrea Blocher, Bradley Scott Ruff, Brent Strickhouser, Kerrie Douglas, Morgan M Hynes, Greg J. Strimel, Tamara J. Moore, SCALE K12

    Grade Level 8 Approximate Time Needed to Complete Unit 3 weeks  Unit Summary QUENCH (QUality ENgineering for Community Health) is an organization that pursues environmental justice to improve public health through education and resource provision. QUENCH would like students to...

  2. Now You See It, Once Filtered, Hope You Don't

    Teaching Materials | 07 Jul 2021 | Contributor(s):: Patricia Kuberra, NNCI Nano

    Water is a valuable natural resource and resides in multiple reservoirs: the cryosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. Water quality is often jeopardized by various contaminants but can be improved by removing contaminants from the water whether they are macro (dirt and debris,) micro...

  3. Nanofiltración (NanoFiltration)

    Teaching Materials | 30 Jun 2020 | Contributor(s):: Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education, Sandra Weeks, Laura Arndt, Rodfal Alberto Rodriguez (editor), María Teresa Rivera (editor)

    El suministro de agua contaminada se ha convertido en un problema local en las comunidades de los Estados Unidos y el mundo. Aunque las situaciones dramáticas en Flint, Michigan y Nueva Orleans después del huracán Katrina ocuparon los titulares noticiosos, los vecindarios y...

  4. Nanotratamiento del Agua (Nanotreatment)

    Teaching Materials | 30 Jun 2020 | Contributor(s):: Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education, Sandra Weeks, Laura Arndt, Rodfal Alberto Rodriguez (editor), María Teresa Rivera (editor)

    Este módulo se concentra en las tecnologías que utilizan fuerzas e interacciones en la nano escala para tratar el agua. Se le presenta a los estudiantes la oportunidad de seleccionar un problema de tratamiento del agua para determinar qué contaminantes están...

  5. Water Filtration and Purity of Water - Getting Down to the Nanoscale

    Teaching Materials | 13 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: David Mann, NNCI Nano

    This is a three part lesson which begins with familiarizing students with SI prefixes and the nanoscale.  In Lesson 2 students test a local water supply. It is designed to be used as an extension to classroom activities related to treating foul water for consumption. This activity should...

  6. Teaching Nanotechnology across the Undergraduate STEM Curriuculum

    Teaching Materials | 05 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: David W. Mogk, NNCI Nano

    This is a website designed by the NNCI site at Montana State University in collaboration with the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College . This website has been developed to meet the need of introducing nanotechnology education across the STEM curriculum: For...

  7. NanoFiltration

    Teaching Materials | 05 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Sandra Weeks, Laura Arndt, Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education

    Contaminated water supplies have become local problems in communities across the United States and the world. Though dramatic situations in Flint, Michigan, and in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina catch the headlines, neighborhoods, and communities across our country are facing water quality...

  8. NanoTreatment

    Teaching Materials | 05 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Sandra Weeks, Laura Arndt, Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education

    This is a module about nanotechnologies that use forces and interactions to treat water. Learners will select a water treatment problem, determine which contaminants are present in their water, and use the described nanotechnologies and their knowledge of intramolecular forces to identify the...

  9. Nanoparticles Land to Ocean: Understanding the Effect of Nanoparticle Pollutants

    Teaching Materials | 15 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Chloe Figuerido, NNCI Nano (editor)

    Pollution, both macroscopic and microscopic, is an important environmental issue for aquatic ecosystems. For this lab, students will model how nanoparticle pollution travels from land to water. This lab isa 2-part series of labs designed to help students understand the effect that nanoscale...

  10. Catalytic Converters and Nanocatalysts

    Teaching Materials | 12 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Cheryl Powers, NNCI Nano

    This two part lesson with an optional third lesson is designed to explore the reactions involved in catalytic converters and the importance of nanocatalysts in the reactions.  Student activities can be done as guided or independent inquiry

  11. CHE 597A Lecture 19: Plants and Water

    Online Presentations | 05 Nov 2019 | Contributor(s):: Sylvie M. Brouder

  12. Effective Integration of NIST Reference Data, Reference Materials, and Informatics in Support of Science and Technology

    Online Presentations | 15 May 2019 | Contributor(s):: Carlos A. Gonzalez

    In this talk, a general description of NIST’s SRM program will be provided, highlighting some examples related to environmental science, clinical diagnoses and petroleum chemistry. In addition, issues related to the effective integration of reference data with reference materials and...

  13. Nanoparticle Pollutants

    Teaching Materials | 17 Jan 2017 | Contributor(s):: Darren Hayes, Nancy Healy, NNCI Nano

    Many plastics are in our oceans due to pollution, including ocean dumping and land runoff. Sunlight and alkaline ocean water break these plastics down into small particles, many are nanoscale in size. These nanoparticles can easily enter our cells. Students examine if and how  these...

  14. The Effects of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles on Brine Shrimp: A Toxicology Study

    Teaching Materials | 05 Apr 2016 | Contributor(s):: NNCI Nano

    This lab is designed to help students understand the following: the interdisciplinary fields of science, a practical application of chemistry in the real world, and the need to carefully conduct experiments and evaluate data in a collaborative environment. ...