Tags: innovation

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  1. Erdal Can Alkoçlar

    Erdal Can Alkoclar is a Turkish inventor, scientist and investor. Alkoclar is the co-founder of HC Pharmaceuticals R&D company. He is the co-inventor of 143 applied and 282 pending patents; 44 of...


  2. Innovation & Failure Learnings from 20+ Years in Silicon Valley

    Online Presentations | 06 Jul 2022 | Contributor(s):: Mario Paniccia

    The talk will give insights and learnings on the 20 year journey of taking silicon photonics from a crazy idea that no one thought would ever work to today being one of the key technologies used to transmit optical data in every data center around the world.

  3. Oct 03 2018

    Frontiers In Education (FIE) 2018 Conference

    The 48th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference is a major international conference focusing on educational innovations and research in engineering and computing education. The theme for...


  4. Sg Govind


  5. Yilmaz Ozmen

    Dr. Özmen is a doctor of mechanical engineering. He completed his undergraduate and graduate studies in Dokuz Eylül University in İzmir. His technical expertise includes nanotechnology,...


  6. Stephen Paul Woodall

    Graduate Student at Purdue University focused in interactive multimedia and social media, freelance graphic designer and web developer; interested in innovative, cutting-edge technologies as an...


  7. Inside Real Innovation

    Online Presentations | 01 Mar 2010 | Contributor(s):: Eugene A. Fitzgerald

    Through our own experience in fundamental innovation over the last 20+ years and through our innovation experience with corporations in the Kauffman Innovation Interface, we have developed a micro-scale innovation picture that captures the processes experienced by innovators. We use the...

  8. The Challenges of Micro-System Product Development

    Online Presentations | 05 Jun 2009 | Contributor(s):: James J. Allen

    This talk will discuss the historical development of micro‐system technology, the products that have been developed and the challenges to development of a reliable product.