Tags: MNTL


Holonyak Micro & Nanotechnology Lab, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL


Resources (21-40 of 95)

  1. [Illinois] CMMB IGERT & M-CNTC Annual Symposium: Development of Monodisperse, Anticancer Silica-Drug Nanoconjugates

    Online Presentations | 06 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Li Tang

    An abstract of Li Tang's work:The goal of my Ph. D. research is to develop a precisely size-controlled drug conjugated silica nanoparticles as a new type of drug delivery system for improved cancer therapy. By using such monodisperse, drug-containing NPs with discrete and incremental difference...

  2. [Illinois] CNST 2012: Nanotechnology-mediated Sensing of Angiogenesis

    Online Presentations | 02 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Princess I. Imoukhuede

  3. [Illinois] CNST 2012: Translational Research on Micro and Nanobionics Devices for Mobile and Social Sensing Applications

    Online Presentations | 02 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Gang Logan Liu

  4. [Illinois] CNST 2012: Applied Nanotechnology for Foodborne Pathogen and Toxin Detection

    Online Presentations | 02 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Bosoon Park

  5. [Illinois] CNST 2012: Physicochemical Property and (ROS)-generating Capacity Relationship

    Online Presentations | 02 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Hong Yang

  6. [Illinois] CNST 2012: Nanostructured Silicon Optical Materials as Multifunctional Cell Culture Substrates

    Online Presentations | 02 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Kris Killian

  7. [Illinois] CNST 2012: Gold Nanoparticles In, On, and Around Cells

    Online Presentations | 02 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Cathy Murphy

  8. [Illinois] CNST 2012: Opportunities for Nanotechnology in Animal Health

    Online Presentations | 02 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Tiffany Houchin

    CNST Workshop 2012 May 2–3, 2012 Showcasing University of Illinois research in bionanotechnology/nanomedicine, nanoelectronics/nanophotonics, and nanomaterials/nanomanufacturing, leading to cross-campus and industry collaborations National Center for Supercomputing Applications Micro and...

  9. [Illinois] Biosensing Summer Series 2010

    Online Presentations | 14 May 2013

    July 12 – July 23, 2010 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignVenue: Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory (MNTL)Advances in informatics, nanotechnology, and deeper understanding of biological systems have provided new opportunities to make fundamental advances in sensing and dynamic...

  10. [Illinois] BioNanotechnology Seminar Series Spring 2012: Analyzing Protein Complexes from Mammalian Cells at the Single Molecular Level

    Online Presentations | 14 May 2013 | Contributor(s):: Yang Kevin Xiang

    Proteins perform most cellular functions in macromolecular complexes. Quantitative information on macromolecular complexes is scarce. The same protein often participates in different complexes to exhibit diverse functionality. Current ensemble approaches of identifying cellular protein...

  11. [Illinois] BioNanotechnology Seminar Series Spring 2012: Mesenchymal Stem Cells Contribute to Vascular Growth in Skeletal Muscle in Response to Eccentric Exercise

    Online Presentations | 14 May 2013 | Contributor(s):: Heather Huntsman

    Tissue health is critically dependent on vascularization to support growth and function following injury. In addition to multiple implications in the regenerative potential of other tissues, mesenchymal stem cells have been shown to promote vessel formation both in vivo and in vitro. Our recent...

  12. [Illinois] BioNanotechnology Seminar Series Spring 2012: Exploring Academic Collaboration with the University of Cape Coast, Ghana with the Global Health Initiative at UIUC

    Online Presentations | 14 May 2013 | Contributor(s):: Erich Lidstone

    The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has a longstanding history of excellent research with regard to science and engineering, and the Global Health Initiative (GHI) at UIUC hopes to apply this research expertise toward the development of low-cost and resource-limited diagnostic tools...

  13. [Illinois] BioNanotechnology Seminar Series Spring 2012: Direct Write Assembly of 3D Microperiodic Hydrogel Scaffolds For Stem Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering

    Online Presentations | 14 May 2013 | Contributor(s):: Lucas Osterbur

    Stem cells have demonstrated remarkable potential for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine through their ability for self-renewal and controlled differentiation. However, the development of optimal three dimensional (3D) scaffolds that overcome the limitations of 2D cell culture remains...

  14. [Illinois] BioNanotechnology Seminar Series Spring 2012: DNA Mediated Synthesis of Novel Gold Nanoflowers for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications

    Online Presentations | 14 May 2013 | Contributor(s):: Bryan M. Wong

    My research is focused at exploring the applications of a new class of gold nanoflower structure that exhibits interesting cellular uptake properties, tunable size and optical properties, and an exceptionally simple synthesis protocol. These properties make it an ideal platform for cancer...

  15. [Illinois] CNST 2012: Concluding Session

    Online Presentations | 13 May 2013 | Contributor(s):: Irfan Ahmad, Lizanne DeStefano

  16. [Illinois] BioNanotechnology Seminar Series Fall 2012: Label-Free Electronic Detection of Cancer Biomarkers Using Silicon Nanowire Arrays

    Online Presentations | 18 Dec 2012 | Contributor(s):: Brian Dorvel

    Improving the performance and lowering the analyte detection limits of optical and electronic biosensors is essential for advancing wide ranging applications in diagnostics and drug discovery. One of these diagnostic platforms, based upon microfluidics coupled to ion-selective field effect...

  17. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Phase Change Memory (PCM) Technology: Where We Are and Where We Are Going

    Online Presentations | 05 Jun 2012 | Contributor(s):: Roberto Bez

    Illinois 2011 Nano-EP Seminar: Phase Change Memory (PCM) Technology: Where We Are and Where We Are Going from ncn@illinois on Vimeo.Dr. Roberto Bez, Director, Micron Technology

  18. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Low-Power Switching of Phase-Change Materials with Carbon Nanotube Electrodes

    Online Presentations | 02 May 2012 | Contributor(s):: Feng Xiong

    Phase change materials (PCMs) are promising candidates for future data storage and reconfigurable electronics [1]; however high programming currents have so far presented a challenge to realize ultra-low power operation. In this work, we enable control of PCM bits using single-wall carbon...

  19. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Current Status of Coherent Large-Scale InP Photonic Integrated Circuits

    Online Presentations | 02 May 2012 | Contributor(s):: Frederick A. Kish, Jr.

    The current state-of-the-art for large-scale lnP photonic integrated circuits (PICs) is reviewed with a focus on the devices and technologies that are driving the commercial scaling of these highly integrated devices. Specifically, high-capacity dense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM)...

  20. Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Fall 2011: Type II Nanorod Heterostructures - From Synthesis, Lattice Strain and Charge Separation to Photovoltaics

    Online Presentations | 01 May 2012 | Contributor(s):: Moonsub Shim

    Understanding charge separation processes and developing materials that can efficiently direct photogenerated carriers with nanoscale precision are of fundamental importance in advancing next- generation dean energy technologies. In particular, one-dimensional semiconductors with their inherent...