Tags: nanomedicine


Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology. Nanomedicine ranges from the medical applications of nanomaterials, to nanoelectronic biosensors, and even possible future applications of molecular nanotechnology. Current problems for nanomedicine involve understanding the issues related to toxicity and environmental impact of nanoscale materials. More information on Nanomedicine can be found here.

All Categories (161-180 of 240)

  1. Nano in Biotechnology and Medicine



  2. Nano*High: Looking for the Good News in Your Genome: Personalized Medicine--Science and Ethics

    Online Presentations | 31 Jan 2011 | Contributor(s):: Jasper Rine

  3. Nano*High: Nature's Nasty Nanomachines: How Viruses Work, and How We Can Stop Them

    Online Presentations | 25 Sep 2010 | Contributor(s):: Carolyn R. Bertozzi

    The birth and growth of nanotechnology is only a few decades old, whereas Nature has been building nano-machines for millennia. Viruses are marvels of natural nano-engineering, but can pose a problem for human health. To combat these nano-machines, scientists are turning to recent developments...

  4. Nanocomposite Hydrogels

    Animations | 21 Aug 2022 | Contributor(s):: Francisco Padron, Rice University

    What are Nanocomposite Hydrogels? Sodium alginate (SA) is a natural hydrophilic biopolymer, typically obtained from marine brown macroalgae, and suitable for making hydrogels for biomedical applications due to its biocompatibility, chelating ability, water solubility, and low-cost. The...

  5. Nanomaterials for Bone & Neural Tissue Engineering

    Online Presentations | 11 Sep 2008 | Contributor(s):: S. Swaminathan

    Tissue engineering is defined as “the application of biological, chemical and engineering principles towards the repair, restoration or regeneration of tissues using scaffolds, cells, factors alone or in combination.” The goal lis to design and develop biodegradable, biocompatible polymer-ceramic...

  6. NanoMedicine

    Online Presentations | 07 Oct 2022 | Contributor(s):: Jared Ashcroft, NACK Network

  7. Nanomedicine for Drug Delivery, Controlled Release and Targeted Therapy

    Online Presentations | 17 Jun 2022 | Contributor(s):: Neda Habibi, The Micro Nano Technology - Education Center

  8. Nanomedicine for Drug Delivery, Controlled Release, and Targeted Therapy

    Online Presentations | 07 Dec 2023 | Contributor(s):: Neda Habibi, The Micro Nano Technology - Education Center

    Drug targeting to specific organs and tissues has become one of the critical endeavors of the century since the use of free drugs in conventional dosage forms generally involves difficulties in achieving the target site at the appropriate dose after or during a proper time period....

  9. Nanomedicine for Treating Organ Failure

    Online Presentations | 02 Jan 2008 | Contributor(s):: Thomas J. Webster

    Nanotechnology has begun to revolutionize numerous science and engineering fields. The use of nanotechnology in medicine has been termed nanomedicine. This presentation will highlight recent advancements in the treating of organ failures (such as orthopedic, vascular, cartilage, central and...

  10. Nanomedicine – How Can Something so Small be so Huge for the Future of Healthcare?

    Online Presentations | 17 Jun 2010 | Contributor(s):: James Leary

    Dr. James Leary discusses the future on medicine and the impact nanotechnology will have on healthcare.

  11. Nanoparticles in Biology and Materials: Engineering the Interface through Synthesis

    Online Presentations | 29 Jan 2007 | Contributor(s):: Vincent Rotello

    Monolayer-protected nanoparticles provide versatile tools for nanotechnology. In our research, we use these nanoparticles as building blocks for the creation of functional magnetic and electronic nanocomposite materials. Simultaneously, we are using these particles as scaffolds for biomolecular...

  12. Nanosystems Biology

    Online Presentations | 10 Sep 2004 | Contributor(s):: James R. Heath

    As we enter the 21st century, we stand at a major inflection point for biology and medicine-the way we view and practice these disciplines is changing profoundly. These changes are being driven by systems biology, a new approach to biology, and which will increasingly transform medicine from...

  13. Nanotechnologies and Medical Ethics

    Online Presentations | 02 Apr 2008 | Contributor(s):: Nigel M. de S. Cameron

  14. Nanotechnologies, Science and Society: Promises and Challenges

    Online Presentations | 10 May 2007 | Contributor(s):: James Leary

  15. Nanotechnology: The Future of Medicine?

    Online Presentations | 28 Jul 2022 | Contributor(s):: Jared Ashcroft, The Micro Nano Technology - Education Center

  16. Nanotubes and Nanowires: One-dimensional Materials

    Online Presentations | 17 Jul 2006 | Contributor(s):: Timothy D. Sands

    What is a nanowire? What is a nanotube? Why are they interesting and what are their potential applications? How are they made? This presentation is intended to begin to answer these questions while introducing some fundamental concepts such as wave-particle duality, quantum confinement, the...

  17. NCN Nano-Devices for Medicine and Biology


    This NCN theme seeks to extend the understanding and computational tools developed in the Nanoelectronics and NEMS themes and apply them to the development of devices for medicine and biology. The...


  18. NCN Nano-Devices for Medicine and Biology: Research Seminars

    Series | 19 Jun 2008

    Many research seminars are available on the nanoHUB. Listed below are a few that discuss new device possiblities.

  19. NCN Nano-Devices for Medicine and Biology: Simulation Tools for Education

    Series | 19 Jun 2008

    Many simulation tools are available on the nanoHUB. The tools have been well-tested and here include supporting materials so that they can be effectively used for education or intelligently used for research.

  20. NCN Nano-Devices for Medicine and Biology: Simulation Tools for Research

    Series | 19 Jun 2008

    Many simulation tools are available on the nanoHUB. The tools have been well-tested and here include supporting materials so that they can be effectively used for research. The research tools include a first time users guide and supporting publications and theses.