Tags: optics

Courses (1-6 of 6)

  1. Opti-500 (Fall 2011)

    Courses | 22 Feb 2018 | Contributor(s):: CIAN ERC

  2. [Illinois] ECE 564 Modern Light Microscopy

    Courses | 25 Apr 2012 | Contributor(s):: Gabriel Popescu

  3. Illinois ECE 460 Optical Imaging

    Courses | 03 Nov 2011 | Contributor(s):: Gabriel Popescu

    Introduction to visible and infrared imaging systems covering fields, optical elements, electronic sensors, and embedded processing systems. Lectures and labs cover active and passive illumination, ranging, holography, polarization, coherence, spectroscopy, and sampling with an emphasis on...

  4. ECE 616: Ultrafast Optics

    Courses | 29 Aug 2011 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    Topics:Introduction and reviewUltrashort pulse generation techniquesMode-locking: overviewActive mode lockingPassive mode lockingMeasurement techniquesCorrelation techniquesTime-frequency methodsNoise and jitterDispersion and its compensationMaterial dispersionAngular dispersion devicesDispersion...

  5. Illinois ECE 460 Principles of Optical Imaging (Fall 2008)

    Courses | 30 Jul 2008 | Contributor(s):: Gabriel Popescu

    Introduction to visible and infrared imaging systems covering fields, optical elements, electronic sensors, and embedded processing systems. Lectures and labs cover active and passive illumination, ranging, holography, polarization, coherence, spectroscopy, and sampling with an emphasis on...

  6. Metamaterials: A New Paradigm of Physics and Engineering

    Courses | 01 May 2008 | Contributor(s):: Vladimir M. Shalaev

    Three part lecture on metamaterials. Metamaterials are expected to open a gateway to unprecedented electromagnetic properties and functionality unattainable from naturally occurring materials, thus enabling a family of new “meta-devices”. In these three lectures, we review this new emerging field...