Tags: plasmonics

All Categories (61-80 of 109)

  1. Feb 11 2016

    nanoBIO node Webinar Series (Plasmonics Devices Modeling and Simulation)

    This is the nanoBIO node webinar series on online modeling and simulation of:nanosystems plasmonics using nanoDDSCAT+ workflow (available at nanoHUB.org)Join WebEx...


  2. nanoDDSCAT+: Build your own plasmonics sensor, a hands-on session I

    Online Presentations | 21 Jun 2016 | Contributor(s):: Jeremy Smith

    Plasmonics and its Applications Workshop 2016 nanoDDSCAT+: Build your own plasmonics sensor, a hands-on session I Simplifying Plasmonic Simulation Tool

  3. nanoHUB-U: Nanophotonic Modeling, 2nd Edition

    Courses|' 28 May 2014

    A free self-paced course exploring the next generation of optical and opto-electronic systems.


  4. Nanophotonics and Metamaterials

    Courses|' 10 Nov 2017

    The course will cover nanoscale processes and devices and their applications for manipulating light on the nanoscale.


  5. Nanophotonics for Global Health

    Online Presentations | 22 Sep 2022 | Contributor(s):: Lisa V. Poulikakos, The Micro Nano Technology - Education Center

  6. Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Plasmonics in Infrared

    Online Presentations | 19 Apr 2012 | Contributor(s):: Mikhail Belkin

    In this talk, I will present the results of two of our research projects. I will start with a simple technique for nanoscale mid-infrared spectroscopy that we have developed recently. Subwavelength resolution is achieved by detecting optical absorption through measuring local photothermal...

  7. Natalia Litchinitser

    Prof. Litchinitser received her B.S. and M.S. in Physics from Moscow State University. She then completed her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology in 1997. Since...


  8. New Frontiers in Terahertz Technology

    Online Presentations | 13 May 2015 | Contributor(s):: Mona Jarrahi

    In this talk, I will describe some of our recent results on developing fundamentally new terahertz electronic/optoelectronic components and imaging/spectrometry architectures to mitigate performance limitations of existing terahertz systems.

  9. Nicolas Large

    Nicolas Large is an Assistant Professor of Physics at The University of Texas at San Antonio.After obtaining his B.S. and M.S. in Physics at the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, France, he...


  10. Novel Plasmonic Materials and Nanodevices for Integrated Quantum Photonics

    Online Presentations | 19 Jun 2017 | Contributor(s):: Mikhail Shalaginov

    This research focuses on color centers in diamond that share quantum properties with single atoms. These systems promise a path for the realization of practical quantum devices such as nanoscale sensors, single-photon sources, and quantum memories. In particular, we explored an intriguing...

  11. Omar Faruk


  12. Omer Yesilyurt

    Omer Yesilyurt received his B.S. degree in Electronics engineering from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, in 2016. He obtained his MsC degree in Electrical Engineering from Middle East...


  13. Optical BioMEMS Microfluidic Technologies for Hand-Held, Point-of-Care, Medical Devices

    Online Presentations | 23 Nov 2009 | Contributor(s):: James Leary

    Portable, point-of-care, medical diagnostic devices could provide an important new component in more cost-effective healthcare delivery. Rapid measurements of blood samples during an examination within a doctor’s office or in the field, could allow immediate appropriate treatment of medical...

  14. Peijun Guo


  15. Perfect Absorber Metamaterial simulator

    Tools | 19 Dec 2012 | Contributor(s):: sainath gupta, Bala Krishna Juluri

    perfect absorber matametrial

  16. Plasmonic Nanophotonics: Coupling Light to Nanostructure via Plasmons

    Online Presentations | 03 Oct 2005 | Contributor(s):: Vladimir M. Shalaev

    The photon is the ultimate unit of information because it packages data in a signal of zero mass and has unmatched speed. The power of light is driving the photonicrevolution, and information technologies, which were formerly entirely electronic, are increasingly enlisting light to communicate...

  17. Plasmonics and Metasurfaces for Extreme Manipulation of Light

    Online Presentations | 07 Mar 2016 | Contributor(s):: Yongmin Liu

    In this talk, I will present some of our work in the fascinating field of plasmonics and optical metasurfaces. First, I will discuss reconfigurable plasmonic lenses operating in microfluidic environment, which can dynamically diverge, collimate and focus surface plasmons [5]. Second, I will...

  18. Feb 19 2015

    Prof. George Schatz at the nanoBIO Node @ 10 am (Silver and Gold Nanoparticles: New Directions for Theory)

    Silver and Gold Nanoparticles: New Directions for TheoryAn overview of the advances and new spectroscopic techniques for measuring the properties of silver and gold nanoparticles and of molecules...


  19. Quantum Optics in New Systems: From Plasmonics to Cold Atoms

    Online Presentations | 16 Mar 2015 | Contributor(s):: Alexey V Akimov

    In my talk I will describe our activities in both field on quantum interfaces and cold atoms

  20. Ravi Shanker
