Tags: quantum science and information

All Categories (41-60 of 84)

  1. On Topological Quantum Computing

    Online Presentations | 28 Oct 2019 | Contributor(s):: Shawn Xingshan Cui

    We give an introduction to the theory of topological quantum computing (TQC), which is an approach to realizing quantum computation with non-Abelian anyons.

  2. Kirkman’s Schoolgirls and Quantum Spin Pairs: A 175 Year Long Thread Through Mathematics and Physics

    Online Presentations | 15 Oct 2019 | Contributor(s):: A. Ravi. P. Rau

    A recreational puzzle posed 175 years ago of 15 schoolgirls to walk three abreast to school for seven days of the week so that no girl sees a friend repeated in her row has links to many areas of mathematics: combinatorics, finite projective geometries, design and coding theory, etc.

  3. Entanglement, Discord and Other Quantum Correlations

    Online Presentations | 15 Oct 2019 | Contributor(s):: A. Ravi. P. Rau

    We will discuss states and operators of two (or more) qubits, and higher dimensional "qudits," from the symmetry groups and algebras pertaining to them. The study of the time evolution of such systems can gain much from the insights and techniques provided by such considerations,...

  4. A. Ravi. P. Rau

    A. Ravi. P. Rau is a Professor of Physics at Louisiana State University who conducts theoretical studies in atomic and molecular physics. He has held visiting faculty positions at Yale, the Raman...


  5. Towards Quantum Information Processing with Atom-Filled Hollow-Core Fibres

    Online Presentations | 10 Oct 2019 | Contributor(s):: Ben Sparkes

    I will present results from our experiments aiming for efficient, coherent and noiseless storage of high-bandwidth optical pulses in warm rubidium-filled HCPCFs using the off-resonance cascade absorption (ORCA) technique.

  6. Quantum Information and Computation for Quantum Chemistry

    Online Presentations | 14 Aug 2019 | Contributor(s):: Sabre Kais

    Recently, Purdue University received $1.5 million in National Science Foundation (NSF) funding to establish a research center to study quantum information science. The Center for Quantum Information and Computation for Chemistry will investigate information techniques used to gain novel...

  7. Frequency Bin Quantum Photonics

    Online Presentations | 11 Jul 2019 | Contributor(s):: Andrew M Weiner

    In this talk I discuss recent advances in manipulation and measurement of quantum states encoded and entangled in the photonic frequency degree of freedom or hyperentangled in time and frequency degrees of freedom. Although the perspective is primarily experimental, I will also attempt to...

  8. International Symposium of Quantum Science & Technology

    Workshops | 01 Jun 2019 | Contributor(s):: Yong P. Chen (organizer)

    This symposium will review the current status and important recent international developments in quantum science and technology, and will help chart future directions for this hot-button topic.

  9. Peculiar Corners of Hilbert Space where Strange States Lie

    Online Presentations | 01 Jun 2019 | Contributor(s):: Chris H Greene

    This talk will summarize some of the peculiar states that have been found, which relate in some cases to Efimov physics, and in other cases to ultra-long-range Rydberg molecules, sometimes referred to as ‘trilobite’ or ‘butterfly’ molecules and their ghosts.

  10. Quantum Channel Capacities

    Online Presentations | 24 May 2019 | Contributor(s):: Peter Shor

    The lecture discusses the capacities of a quantum channel, focussing on the basics, but also mentions some recent developments.

  11. Peter Shor

    Peter Shor is Morss Professor of Applied Mathematics since 2003, and Chair of the Applied Mathematics Committee since 2015. He received the B.A. in mathematics from Caltech in 1981, and the Ph.D....


  12. Quantum Optics on a Nonlinear Chip

    Online Presentations | 08 May 2018 | Contributor(s):: Alexander Solntsev

    Bringing the concepts of quantum entanglement and optical nonlinearity together, and integrating them on a chip, opens a way to efficient generation of entangled photons and entanglement.

  13. Quantum Control Over Diamond Spins with a Mechanical Resonator

    Online Presentations | 24 Jan 2018 | Contributor(s):: Gregory David Fuchs

    I will describe our experiments to coherently couple NV center spins to gigahertz-frequency mechanical resonators using crystal lattice strain. In high-quality diamond mechanical resonators, we demonstrate coherent Rabi oscillations of NV center spins driven by mechanical motion instead of an...

  14. Looking Through a Sphere: Walks With Mie Theory Along Classical Optics, Plasmonics and Nanooptics

    Online Presentations | 26 Oct 2017 | Contributor(s):: Boris Luk'yanchuk

    Here we discuss some effects in plasmonics: inverse hierarchy of optical resonances, Fano resonances and optical vortices. Other effects are related to transparent materials with relatively small refractive indices (n < 2): photonic nanojets, magnetic nanojets and super resolution nanoscopy....

  15. Novel Plasmonic Materials and Nanodevices for Integrated Quantum Photonics

    Online Presentations | 19 Jun 2017 | Contributor(s):: Mikhail Shalaginov

    This research focuses on color centers in diamond that share quantum properties with single atoms. These systems promise a path for the realization of practical quantum devices such as nanoscale sensors, single-photon sources, and quantum memories. In particular, we explored an intriguing...

  16. Coherent Nonlinear Optical Propagation Processes in Hyperbolic Metamaterials

    Online Presentations | 08 Jun 2017 | Contributor(s):: Alexander K. Popov

    Coherence and interference play an important role in classic and quantum physics. Processes to be employed can be significantly enhanced and the unwanted ones suppressed through the deliberately tailored constructive and destructed interference at quantum transitions and at nonlinear optical...

  17. Opening Remarks

    Online Presentations | 08 Jun 2017 | Contributor(s):: Vladimir M. Shalaev

    Opening remarks for the 2017 Purdue Quantum Center workshop.

  18. What is Markovian and non-Markovian in Quantum Mechanics: New Approaches and Viewpoints

    Online Presentations | 15 May 2017 | Contributor(s):: Francesco Ciccarello

    While in classical physics the notion of what is Markovian or not is well defined, this is not the case when it comes to open quantum systems. What makes a quantum dynamics Markovian or non-Markovian (NM)? Traditional answers to this question involve the celebrated Lindblad master equation (ME)...

  19. 2017 Purdue Quantum Center Workshop: Coherent Effects in Physics and Chemistry

    Workshops | 28 Apr 2017 | Contributor(s):: Vladimir M. Shalaev, Mikhail Shalaginov

    Presentations for this workshop are in production and will be available in the next 30 days Click on image to download high resolution image

  20. [Illinois] Engineering Photonic Quantum States for Quantum Applications

    Online Presentations | 10 Jul 2016 | Contributor(s):: Virginia Lorenz

    Engineering Photonic Quantum States for Quantum Applications IYL Workshop 9/26/2015