Tags: research seminar

All Categories (221-240 of 347)

  1. Materials Science on the Atomic Scale with the 3-D Atom Probe

    Online Presentations | 08 Nov 2006 | Contributor(s):: George D. W. Smith

    Some of the key goals of materials science and technology are to be able to design a material from first principles, to predict its behaviour, and also to optimise the processing route for its manufacture. In recent years, these goals have come closer to realisation, thanks in part to the...

  2. Potassium Channels: Conduction, Selectivity, Blockage, Inactivation, and Gating

    Online Presentations | 03 Nov 2006 | Contributor(s):: Benoit Roux, NCN at Northwestern University

    The determination of the structure of the KcsA K+ channel fromStreptomyces lividan has made it possible to investigate the functionof a biological channel at the atomic level. Because of its structuralsimilarity with eukaryotic K-channels, investigations of KcsA areexpected to help understand a...

  3. The Limits of CMOS Scaling from a Power-Constrained Technology Optimization Perspective

    Online Presentations | 17 Oct 2006 | Contributor(s):: David J. Frank

    As CMOS scaling progresses, it is becoming very clear that power dissipation plays a dominant role in limiting how far scaling can go. This talk will briefly describe the various physical effects that arise at the limits of scaling, and will then turn to an analysis of scaling in the presence of...

  4. Nanoelectronic Architectures

    Online Presentations | 24 Feb 2005 | Contributor(s):: Greg Snider

    Nanoelectronic architectures at this point are necessarily speculative: We are still evaluating many different approaches to fabrication and are exploring unconventional devices made possible at the nano scale. This talk will start off with a review of some "classical" crossbar structures using...

  5. Information Theory and Cell/Nanoparticle Modeling

    Online Presentations | 03 Mar 2005 | Contributor(s):: Peter J. Ortoleva

    Physico-chemical models of cells and nanoparticles are being developed for pure and applied studies. Nanoparticles are simulated by a Poisson-Boltzmann equation (for determining the electric force field in bioelectrolyte media) while an all atom-simulator is used to determine structure. Both...

  6. Autonomic Adaptation of Virtual Distributed Environments in a Multi-Domain Infrastructure

    Online Presentations | 11 Jul 2006 | Contributor(s):: Ryan Riley, Dongyan Xu

    By federating resources from multiple domains, a shared infrastructure provides aggregated computation resources to a large number of users. With rapid advances in virtualization technologies, we propose the concept of virtual distributed environments as a new sharing paradigm for a multi-domain...

  7. History of Semiconductor Engineering

    Online Presentations | 28 Jun 2006 | Contributor(s):: Bo Lojek

    When basic researchers started working on semiconductors during the late nineteen thirties and on integrated circuits at the end of the nineteen fifties, they did not know that their work would change the lives of future generations. Very few people at that time recognized the significance of...

  8. What Can We Learn About Doing Content-Based Educational Research on Teaching and Learning from the 30-Year History of Research in Chemical Education?

    Online Presentations | 07 Jun 2006 | Contributor(s):: George Bodner

    This talk is based on the assumption that one of the functions of the National Center for Learning & Teaching is to promote basic research on teaching and learning within the content domain of nanoscale science and engineering. In order to understand what this might involve, we will look at...

  9. Molecular Dynamics Simulations with the Second-Generation Reactive Empirical Bond Order (REBO) Potential

    Online Presentations | 02 Apr 2006 | Contributor(s):: Wen-Dung Hsu, Susan Sinnott

    In this presentation, the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation will be introduced first. The applications of MD simulation, the procedure of MD simulation and some speed-up methods in MD simulation will be talked. Then the bond order potentials which are capable to predict bond breaking and new...

  10. Logic Devices and Circuits on Carbon Nanotubes

    Online Presentations | 05 Apr 2006 | Contributor(s):: Joerg Appenzeller

    Over the last years carbon nanotubes (CNs) have attracted an increasing interest as building blocks for nano-electronics applications. Due to their unique properties enabling e.g. ballistic transport at room-temperature over several hundred nanometers, high performance CN field-effect transistors...

  11. Teaching approaches for including nanotechnology and other current topics in the undergraduate curriculum: Context, inquiry and authentic science practice

    Online Presentations | 02 May 2006 | Contributor(s):: Gabriela C. Weaver

    Topics in nanotechnology and nanoscience are unlikely to be found to any great extent in traditional instructional materials, including textbooks and laboratory manuals. While this may change in the future, it would be useful for today's undergraduate classroom to make use of teaching approaches...

  12. NCSA: Powering Cyber-research in the 21st Century

    Online Presentations | 09 May 2006 | Contributor(s):: Thom H. Dunning

    Since its creation by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the state of Illinois in 1986, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) has been a leader in the development and deployment of new computing and software...

  13. Establishing a Nanotechnology Business

    Online Presentations | 24 Apr 2006 | Contributor(s):: Daniel Coy

    There are several fundamental needs to consider when transitioning nanotechnology discovery into a business and, ultimately, the marketplace. These needs include steady cash flow, market focus, the right pool of skills, correct timing, and adequate funding. Developers of a nanotechnology...

  14. First Principles-Based Modeling of materials: Towards Computational Materials Design

    Online Presentations | 20 Apr 2006 | Contributor(s):: Alejandro Strachan

    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with accurate, first principles-based interatomic potentials is a powerful tool to uncover and characterize the molecular-level mechanisms that govern the chemical, mechanical and optical properties of materials. Such fundamental understanding is critical to...

  15. From Vision to Reality: The NNI at Five Years

    Online Presentations | 11 Apr 2006 | Contributor(s):: Mihail "Mike" Roco

    Science and engineering are at the heart of the human endeavor leading to a "knowledge society." They also are the primary drivers of global technological competition. The newest key player in this science and technology arena is nanotechnology, the ability to organize individual atoms and...

  16. The Rush to Market, Lack of Knowledge, and Public Trust

    Online Presentations | 11 Apr 2006 | Contributor(s):: Vivian Weil

    What should rivet our attention now is the rush to get nano products into the market long before the nanoscale phenomena these products exploit are understood. Nanoscale materials often present unusual structures and activities as compared to ordinary-scale amounts of the same material. Research...

  17. Real-time Technology Assessment

    Online Presentations | 11 Apr 2006 | Contributor(s):: David Guston

    Real-time technology assessment (RTTA) is a social technology that relies on fundamental understandings of the social, moral, political, and economic dynamics of knowledge-based innovation that have developed over the past three decades. These understandings reveal the complex, value-laden...

  18. Nanofabrication

    Online Presentations | 11 Apr 2006 | Contributor(s):: R. Fabian Pease

    Nanotechnology comprises the techniques for making things small (<100 nm) — i.e., nanopatterning — and the resulting applications, ranging from the results of undirected nanopatterning such as Goretex, paint, and reactive gold nanoparticles, to those of directed nanopatterning such as...

  19. EDA Challenges in Nanoscale Design: A Synopsys Perspective

    Online Presentations | 11 Apr 2006 | Contributor(s):: Rich Goldman

    Rich Goldman gives an overview of the current state ofthe semiconductor and EDA (Electronic Design Automation) industry with aspecial focus on the impact of nanometer scale design on design tools andthe economics of the industry.

  20. Middleware Support for Virtual Distributed Environments in a Shared Distributed Infrastructure

    Online Presentations | 11 Apr 2006 | Contributor(s):: Dongyan Xu

    The job and service-oriented paradigm of the Grid enables a wide spectrum of applications to share the massive computational power across the Internet. In this talk, I will present a complementary paradigm of virtual distributed environments to accommodate arbitrary parallel/distributed...