Tags: Skyrmions

Resources (1-4 of 4)

  1. Classical Computing with Topological States: Coping with a post-Moore World

    Online Presentations | 21 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Avik Ghosh

    There are two examples I will focus on ? one is doing conventional Boolean logic at low power below the thermal Boltzmann limit, using the topological properties of Dirac fermions to control transmission across a gated interface. The other is doing collective computing using temporal state...

  2. Micromagnetics and OOMMF Lecture 3: Advanced Topics

    Online Presentations | 20 Aug 2020 | Contributor(s):: Michael Joseph Donahue

    Common Pitfalls, Working with MIF Files, Command-line Tools, Working with Extensions

  3. Micromagnetics and OOMMF Lecture 4: Advanced Topics and Post-Processing

    Online Presentations | 20 Aug 2020 | Contributor(s):: Michael Joseph Donahue

  4. Spin-Orbitronics: A Route to Control Magnets via Spin-Orbit Interaction

    Online Presentations | 21 Jul 2017 | Contributor(s):: Upadhyaya, Pramey

    In this talk, I will present this “spin-orbitronic” control for various magnetic systems. In particular, we will focus on the example of spin-orbit-induced manipulation of magnetic domain walls and skyrmions, i.e. particle-like magnetic configurations capable of storing and...