Tags: teaching and learning

Papers (1-7 of 7)

  1. Turn the Lights On!: An EngrTEAMS-CISTAR Collaboration Unit

    Papers | 24 May 2023 | Contributor(s):: Ruben Lopez, Barbara Fagundes, Diallo Wallace, Nrupaja Bhide, Allison Godwin, Tamara J. Moore

    Turn the Lights On! is an engineering design-based STEM curricular unit codesigned by the EngrTEAMS and CISTAR projects. The unit aims to facilitate the learning of major science and mathematical concepts and skills within the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and Common Core State...

  2. Framework for Evaluating Simulations: Analysis of Student Developed Interactive Computer Tools

    Papers | 21 Jul 2014 | Contributor(s):: Kelsey Joy Rodgers, Heidi A Diefes-Dux, Krishna Madhavan

    Computer simulations are discussed in the learning environment from two major perspectives: 1) teaching students how to build simulations and 2) developing simulations to teach students targeted concepts. This study is approaching learning with simulations from a different perspective. We are...

  3. First-Year Engineering Students' Communication of Nanotechnology Size & Scale in a Design Challenge

    Papers | 22 Apr 2014 | Contributor(s):: Kelsey Joy Rodgers, Yi Kong, Heidi A Diefes-Dux, Krishna Madhavan

    While nanotechnology is a highly engaging topic for students, it entails concepts that are difficult to understand and need to be carefully considered when incorporating nanotechnology into classroom instruction. The notion of size and scale (also referred to as a “big idea” in learning nanoscale...

  4. The Transparency Paradox: Computational Simulations as Learning Tools for Engineering Graduate Education

    Papers | 08 Apr 2010 | Contributor(s):: Alejandra J. Magana, Sean Brophy,

    Computational simulations have become a critical part of computational science, which is being described as the third leg in this century’s methodologies of science. Computational simulations have also become a critical element of learning experiences as they can provide engineering students with...

  5. Are Simulation Tools Developed and Used by Experts Appropriate Experimentation Tools for Educational Contexts?

    Papers | 08 Apr 2010 | Contributor(s):: Alejandra J. Magana, Sean Brophy,

    Simulations and visualizations can lead to significant improvements in students'conceptual understanding. This increased understanding may be due to the formation of expert-like dynamic mental models. Laboratory simulations have been used in educational contexts forinquiry learning by allowing...

  6. Professors' Instructional Approaches and Students' Perceptions of nanoHUB Simulations as Learning Tools.

    Papers | 08 Apr 2010 | Contributor(s):: Alejandra J. Magana, Sean Brophy,

    Simulations can provide a critical element of learning experiences. Simulations are alsobecoming a critical part of computational science, which is being described as the thirdlegin this century's methodologies of science (Sabelli, et. al, 2005). Opportunities existto use the same simulation as...

  7. Professor's and Student's Perceptions and Experiences of Computational Simulations as Learning Tools

    Papers | 04 Apr 2010 | Contributor(s):: Alejandra J. Magana

    Computational simulations are becoming a critical component of scientific and engineering research, and now are becoming an important component for learning. This dissertation provides findings from a multifaceted research study exploring the ways computational simulations have been perceived and...