Tags: techniques

Resources (1-2 of 2)

  1. Support Graph Smoothing Techniques

    Online Presentations | 04 Feb 2016 | Contributor(s):: Alyson Fox

    Many tasks in large-scale network analysis and simulation require efficient approximation of the solution to the linear system $ Lx=b$, where $ L$ is a graph Laplacian. However, due to the large size and complexity of scale-free graphs, standard iterative methods do not perform optimally. The use...

  2. [Illinois] BioNanotechnology Summer Institute 2015

    Workshops | 10 Nov 2015 | Contributor(s):: Aleksei Aksimentiev, Rashid Bashir, Richard Chadwick, Brian Cunningham, Amy Herr, Joseph M K Irudayaraj, Hyun Joon Kong, Ting Lu, Marina Marjanovic, Cathy Murphy, Shuming Nie, Scott Siechen, Ivan Smalyukh

    Twenty-six students, postdocs, and junior faculty from science and engineering disciplines from across the campus, the country, and overseas participated in the 2015 University of Illinois BioNanotechnology Summer Institute from July 27-August 7 at the Micro + Nanotechnology Lab, learning about...