Tags: thermal transport


Thermal transport at sub-micron scales differs substantially from that at normal length scales. Physical laws for heat transfer, such as Fourier's law for heat conduction, fail when the mean free path of energy carriers becomes comparable to the length scales of interest. This occurs in modern microelectronic devices, where for example, channel dimensions, now below 100 nm in length, are comparable to the mean free path of phonons in silicon at room temperature. Research in the nanoscale thermal transport area addresses novel physics at small length and time scales and novel technologies that exploit this class of physics.

Learn more about nanoscale thermo transport from the resources available on this site, listed below.

All Categories (21-40 of 92)

  1. Electron Emission from Nanoscale Carbon Materials

    Online Presentations | 15 May 2007 | Contributor(s):: Timothy S Fisher

    Prior studies on electron emission show possibly beneficial effects ofnanoscale phenomena on energy-conversion characteristics. For example,recent work has shown that the electric field around a nanoscale fieldemission device can increase the average energy of emitted electrons. Weconsider here...

  2. Electronic Structure and Transport Properties of Graphene on Hexagonal Boron Nitride

    Presentation Materials | 06 Dec 2018 | Contributor(s):: Shukai Yao, Luis Regalado Bermejo, Alejandro Strachan

      Graphene is a zero-bandgap conductor with high carrier mobility. It is desired to search for an opening of band structure of graphene such that this kind of material can be applied in electronic devices. Depositing hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN) opens a bandgap in the band structure of...

  3. Elyes NEFZAOUI


  4. Filipe Correia


  5. Fundamentals of Phonon Transport Modeling L1: Introduction

    Presentation Materials | 04 Jan 2017 | Contributor(s):: Alan McGaughey, Xiulin Ruan

    Part of the 2016 IMECE Tutorial: Fundamentals of Phonon Transport Modeling: Formulation, Implementation, and Applications.

  6. Fundamentals of Phonon Transport Modeling L2: MD Simulation, Green Kubo, Direct Method

    Presentation Materials | 04 Jan 2017 | Contributor(s):: Xiulin Ruan, Alan McGaughey

    Part of the 2016 IMECE Tutorial: Fundamentals of Phonon Transport Modeling: Formulation, Implementation, and Applications.

  7. Fundamentals of Phonon Transport Modeling L3: Harmonic Lattice Dynamics, Spectral Methods

    Presentation Materials | 04 Jan 2017 | Contributor(s):: Xiulin Ruan, Alan McGaughey

    Part of the 2016 IMECE Tutorial: Fundamentals of Phonon Transport Modeling: Formulation, Implementation, and Applications.

  8. Fundamentals of Phonon Transport Modeling L4: Anharmonic Lattice dynamics, First Principles

    Presentation Materials | 04 Jan 2017 | Contributor(s):: Alan McGaughey, Xiulin Ruan

    Part of the 2016 IMECE Tutorial: Fundamentals of Phonon Transport Modeling: Formulation, Implementation, and Applications.

  9. Fundamentals of Phonon Transport Modeling L6: Phonon-Electron Coupling and Non-equilibrium

    Presentation Materials | 04 Jan 2017 | Contributor(s):: Xiulin Ruan, Alan McGaughey

    Part of the 2016 IMECE Tutorial: Fundamentals of Phonon Transport Modeling: Formulation, Implementation, and Applications.

  10. Fusing Light With Heat: Polaritons for Nanoscale Thermal Transport & Sensing

    Online Presentations | 07 Oct 2021 | Contributor(s):: Thomas Beechem

    Light exhibits a wave nature.  Phonons do too.  Within the infrared portion of the spectrum, these differing “waves” can interact to form hybrid energy carriers called polaritons.  Polaritons, in turn, provide fundamental advantages for optical functionality and...

  11. Heat Transfer across Solid Contacts Enhanced with Nanomaterials

    Online Presentations | 11 Feb 2008 | Contributor(s):: Timothy S Fisher

    This presentation will describe thermal transport processes at solid-solid material interfaces. An overview of applications in the electronics industry will serve to motivate the subject, and then the basic diffusive constriction theory will be developed. The addition of carbon nanotube arrays to...

  12. Heat Under the Microscope: Uncovering the Microscopic Processes that Govern Thermal Transport

    Online Presentations | 04 Oct 2016 | Contributor(s):: Austin Minnich

    In this talk, I will describe our efforts to uncover the microscopic processes that govern thermal transport by phonons. In particular, I will describe how our advances in computation and experiment have enabled the first direct measurements of thermal phonon transmission coefficients at solid...

  13. Highly Efficient Thermal Transport: The Application of Carbon Nanotube Array Interfaces

    Online Presentations | 01 Feb 2007 | Contributor(s):: Baratunde A. Cola

    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have received much attention in recent years for their extraordinary properties that through careful engineering may be leverage for the development of numerous advantageous applications. However, to date, only few CNT based applications exist in the market place. So when...

  14. Hydrodynamic Phenomena in Thermal Transport

    Online Presentations | 31 Aug 2022 | Contributor(s):: F. Xavier Alvarez

    The talk will cover some of the most recent evidences in the theoretical and experimental research on thermal transport and we will analyze them in the framework of the Kinetic/Collective model (KCM), developed to give a more generalized framework to describe thermal experiments.

  15. Illinois ECE 598EP Lecture 1 - Hot Chips: Atoms to Heat Sinks

    Online Presentations | 29 Jan 2009 | Contributor(s):: Eric Pop

    IntroductionContent: The Big Picture Another CPU without a Heat Sink Thermal Management Methods Impact on People and Environment Packaging cost IBM S/390 refrigeration and processor packaging Intel Itanium and Pentium 4packaging Graphics Cards Under/Overclocking Environment A More Detailed Look...

  16. Illinois ECE 598EP Lecture 3.1 - Hot Chips: Electrons and Phonons

    Online Presentations | 11 Feb 2009 | Contributor(s):: Eric Pop, Omar N Sobh

    Electrons and Phonons

  17. Illinois ME 498 Introduction of Nano Science and Technology, Lecture 10: Thermal and Electric Conduction in Nanostructures

    Online Presentations | 05 Oct 2009 | Contributor(s):: Nick Fang, Omar N Sobh

    Thermal and Electric Conduction in Nanostructures Topics: Back to Constitutive Equations Coupled Heat and Electron Conduction Thermoelectric Cooling Principle of Thermoelectric Effect Comparison of Different Materials Challenges in Efficiency Nanoscale Thermoelectricity

  18. Jeffrey C Grossman

    Jeffrey C. Grossman is a Professor of computational materials science in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. His research focuses on the application and development of...


  19. Joseph Susoreny


  20. Lecture 4: Thermoelectric Effects-Physical Approach

    Online Presentations | 28 Jul 2011 | Contributor(s):: Mark Lundstrom

    The effect of temperature gradients on current flow and how electrical currents produce heat currents are discussed.