Carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons

Version 1
by (unknown)
Version 3
by (unknown)

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This page provides links to various nanoHUB resources related to carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene nanoribbons (GNR).
== This page provides links to various nanoHUB resources related to carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene nanoribbons (GNR). ==
3 * The [/resources/1838 CNTbands tool] simulates CNT and GNR.
4 * [/resources/2842 This tutorial] introduces various nanoelectronics simulation tools, including [/resources/1838 CNTbands]
5 * A [/resources/2762 learning module] is also available for CNT and GNR
6 * Another [/resources/2843 learning module] is available for [/resources/1838 CNTbands].
7 * Professor [/members/contributors/9409 Supriyo Datta] has [/resources/687 a lecture] on CNT.