Lessons from Nanoscience

by Mark Lundstrom

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World Scientific Publishing Company: Lessons from Nanoscience

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More than 50 years of research and development have created the sophisticated electronics that has shaped the world we live in. The transformation of engineering education from the practice-driven vacuum tube era to our science-driven semiconductor era played an important role in this success. Today we face new challenges in educating students, engineers, and applied scientists for a new era of electronics. Engineers will continue to need a deep understanding of their specialty, but they now also need a much broader understanding of science and technology than in the past. They need to be comfortable working from the atomic scale to the macroscale – from the materials and devices level to the system level. Lessons from Nanoscience aims to bring new approaches and new ways of thinking to electronics. The goal is to re-think the way we teach electronic materials and devices so that working from the nanoscale to the system scale is seamless and intuitive. The Lessons from Nanoscience lecture notes series is one component of an ambitious educational initiative that includes free, online short courses offered through nanoHUB-U.

Lessons from Nanoscience Lecture Notes may:

• Treat fundamental concepts in a way that seamlessly connects the nanoscale to the macroscale
• Provide starting points for those just entering new fields of science or technology
• Discuss techniques once restricted to specialists that are now becoming widely used.

Lessons from Nanoscience Lecture Notes are:

• Short (150-350 pages)
• Broadly accessible without a long set of pre-requisites.
• Published by World Scientific in low cost paperback versions.

Authors who share our vision for an exciting new era of electronics driven by new approaches to education are invited to contact us with their ideas and submit a prospectus. See the one-page flyer.

Mark Lundstrom and Supriyo Datta, series editors
Purdue University
lundstro@purdue.edu, datta@purdue.edu

Current Titles:

Supriyo Datta, Purdue University, Lessons from Nanoelectronics: A New Perspective on Transport. “Book web page”

Mark S. Lundstrom and C. Jeong, Purdue University, Near-Equilibrium Transport: Fundamentals and Applications web page”

Tim S. Fisher, Purdue University, Thermal Energy at the Nanoscale Preview Lectures

Ron Reifenberger, Purdue University, Fundamentals of Atomic Force Microscopy, Part I: Foundations

* Sample chapters from volumes in print are available here

* Online courses based on these volumes are available at nanoHUB-U

Forthcoming titles in the series:

Fall 2016: Mark Lundstrom, Purdue University, Essential Physics of Nanoscale Transistors

Spring 2017: Muhammad Alam, Purdue University, Nano-biosensors: Three Easy Pieces

Fall 2017: Alejandro Strachan, Purdue University, Atomistic View of Materials

Fall 2017: Avik Ghosh, University of Virginia, Nanoelectronics: A Molecular View

Spring 2018: Jaijeet Roychowdhury, Univ. of California Berkeley, Developing Simulation-Ready Compact Models

Fall 2018: Kaustav Banerjee, Univ. of California Santa Barbara, Circuit Design Perspectives: the NANO approach

Spring 2019: Tsu-Jae King Liu, Univ. of California Berkeley, Microdevices

Spring 2019: Zhen Chen and Chris Dames, Univ. of California Berkeley, Applied Thermal Measurements at the Nanoscale

Fall 2019: Tony Low, Univ. of Minnesota, 2D Materials Device Physics

Related on-line resources can be found at: nanoHUB-U and Electronics from the Bottom Up

Visit https://nanohub.org/u for related online courses.

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