Closed Captioning (CC) for nanoHUB videos: Downloading CC Text Files

by Joseph M. Cychosz, Margarita Shalaev

How to download closed captioning text files (.SBV)

  • You may also be interested in downloading the actual captioning text, for instance if you would like to compile video text into a book. In order to do this, follow the instructions below.
    • NOTE: You may only download CC text for videos you upload onto your own YouTube account.
  1. Login to your YouTube account.
  2. Under your account name, click on “Videos”.
    access videos.png
  3. Select the video for which you would like to obtain CC text.
    select video.png
  4. In the menu bar at the top, click on “Edit captions/subtitles.”
    edit captions.png
  5. Under “Available Caption Tracks”, you will see “English: Machine Transcription”. Click on “Download.”
  6. An SBV file will be downloaded to your computer.

How to open/edit an SBV file

  1. Follow the instructions above to download the SBV file.
    • The SBV file extension is a file type used by YouTube.
    • It contains both the CC text as well as the timestamp for when the text is displayed.
  2. The SBV file can be opened with a simple text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit.

See also:

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