Wish List - Wish List: Wish #449

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Samiran Ganguly

nanoHUB app for tablets and smartphones (iOS and Android)

Smartphones and tablets are ubiquitous today and the preferred way to access websites is through “apps” rather than web interface. Primary reason being apps can be GPU accelerated and data transfer can be smaller using apps (app can do a lot of pulling things not possible on a website) Are there any plans to develop such an app for the iOS and Android platforms? I think the following will be a good feature set for that app: 1. Search for content 2. Playback video lectures 3. Able to download pdfs 4. Launch tools and download results. Maybe the client can display the data locally (all the new smartphones and tablets are GPU accelerated, complex rendering should be possible) 5. Post comments/reviews/tickets/forum messages. Send messages and access groups. 6. News and updates 7. Manage storage for developer workspace (upload, download, delete files and folders)

I don’t think full fledged developer workspace will work because typing things on a tablets is not easy.

Comments (3)

  1. Michael McLennan

    Thanks for the feature list. We’re working on an iOS app right now. The core feature will be accessing tools, but as time goes on, we’ll add more of the other things that you requested—especially things like news and updates. The app should be out before the end of the year. Stay tuned…

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  2. Stephan Suckow

    While you’re at it: don’t forget Windows Phone. Personally I don’t think it’s worth the development effort. Developing and maintaining 3 more platforms besides the regular website requires serious effort – which I’d rather like to see used elsewhere. From my point of view the primary reason for the app-mania for regular website content is just the small displays, slow processors and unprecise input these devices provide. Which is getting better in newer generations.

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  3. Samiran Ganguly

    There is a teeny tiny problem beyond that of weak processors and small displays with mobile platforms…they don’t run Java. All the big three (Apple, Google, Microsoft) are doing away with plugin based webapps (Flash, Java, Silverlight) and moving on to HTML5 and rightfully so (in my opinion). nanoHUB delivery platform is built on Java. I don’t see this as future proof. My two cents.

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