Wish List - Wish List: Wish #248

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Nahil Sobh

video streaming

Wish to stream video lectures instead of downloading them.

Comments (4)

  1. Joseph M. Cychosz

    Hi Nahil, Can you expand on this some. What streaming format?

    FYI We encode our mp4’s with streaming enabled and depending on the browser, they will start immediately with out requiring full download. Unfortunately this behavior is very browser specific.

    Also if you are using systems like ECHO360, we can deploy that content on the nanohub. See: http://nanohub.org/resources/7873/supportingdocs

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  2. Nahil Sobh

    would installing JWplayer in the Jooomla backend allow users to stream the .mp4’s from firefox and chrome?

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  3. Joseph M. Cychosz

    Heres a longer explaination from Omar.


    I had gotten some inquiries into how we would be able to at least play the videos we upload on the site. It’s seems that for alot of people accessing the resources it takes along time to download the vids even if they are like 150-300MB. A few months ago i had delved into streaming media and tried out a number of different solutions and found that some were useful for scenarios like this. I had thought up a couple of of solutions..

    Once the presentation video is uploaded and has been published the user clicks on the button to view the resource and the following happens:


    A: User button click pops open a new window with the video of the lecture playing.

    What’s required: Install JWplayer in Joomla to play any video type and enable streaming capabilities. Streaming server such as Red5(Open Source), or Adobe Flash Media Server (feature packed) will be needed to host the files that will be streamed.


    B: I send you my upload video, you place it in the correct directory and provide me with the location of the video ex: /www/ill/nanobio/popescu.mp4 , Now if you have installed JWplayer in Joomla another feature is to grab the embed code to create the player. This added with the string to the video provide will give the user the possibility of watching the videos as opposed to downloading them.

    The difference between the two here is that if you don’t use the streaming server then the while watching the video you won’t be able to use fast forward and other features.

    Anyhow, let me know if you have any feedback on this, and I would be more than happy to give you a URL to test out the streaming vs. embed with Joomla.

    best regards, Omar Sobh

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  4. Joseph M. Cychosz

    My initial response is that we are focusing on placing content on youtube to provide a streaming solution.

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