Wish List - nanoHUB.org

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Active (81 - 100 of 315)
outstanding For "nano-Materials Simulation Toolkit" , it would be great if we could build/upload the structure of the nano-material.
#727 Proposed by Sarah Divergent 0
0 Dislike
outstanding Survey after usage of supported tools
#110 Proposed by Michael McLennan 5
0 Dislike
outstanding tutorials for the tools
#202 Proposed by Anonymous 3
0 Dislike
outstanding Pages for different entry points
#105 Proposed by Michael McLennan 5
0 Dislike
outstanding email option
#66 Proposed by Margaret Shepard Morris 2
0 Dislike
outstanding Linux support for content
#14 Proposed by Anonymous 3
0 Dislike
outstanding Send messages to people reminding them about open tickets
#80 Proposed by Michael McLennan 4
0 Dislike
outstanding publication quality graphs
#46 Proposed by Gerhard Klimeck 2
0 Dislike
outstanding Limit Poll votes by userID and not IP
#290 Proposed by Swaroop Samek 2
0 Dislike
outstanding teaching group - special incarnation of groups
#237 Proposed by Gerhard Klimeck 2
0 Dislike
outstanding get an (optional) email notifications about the job status
#226 Proposed by Tillmann Christoph Kubis 2
0 Dislike
outstanding Easier registration process
#101 Proposed by Michael McLennan 4
0 Dislike
outstanding Rappture should be a "hub" group
#83 Proposed by Michael McLennan 2
0 Dislike
outstanding Resource page/contribtool - Handling of author credits
#174 Proposed by Alissa Nedossekina 2
0 Dislike
outstanding Notify users of new material of their interest available on the nanohub.
#140 Proposed by Baudilio Tejerina 2
0 Dislike
outstanding Rethink/revamp Featured Questions on home page
#139 Proposed by Margaret Shepard Morris 5
0 Dislike
outstanding Update of registration page
#120 Proposed by Diane Beaudoin 2
0 Dislike
outstanding Guest accounts for tool access
#102 Proposed by Michael McLennan 3
1 Dislike
outstanding Ability to easily comment on simulation tools and all other items
#99 Proposed by Michael McLennan 3
0 Dislike
outstanding Obliterate learning modules from nanoHUB.org
#67 Proposed by Michael McLennan 5
0 Dislike