OMEN Nanowire

Full-band 3D quantum transport simulation in nanowire structure

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Archive Version 1.0.2
Published on 27 Feb 2009, unpublished on 06 Apr 2009
Latest version: 1.19. All versions

doi:10.4231/D3SX6488Z cite this

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As the size of semiconductor devices reduces to the nano-scale, great interests and concerns in the nanowire devices has arised among scientists and engineers. Even though the full quantum simulation in nanowire structure is computationally very expensive, [ OMEN Nanowire] which is powered by [ OMEN] makes it possible for people to simulate the nanowire structure in atomistic level using reasonable computational resources. [ OMEN Nanowire] uses [ OMEN] under the hood to calculate the bandstructure and transport characteristics. The bandstructure is calculated in the semi-empirical tight-binding model and the transport characteristics is calculated in the wavefunction approach. The scattering boundary approach is used for efficient calculation of boundary conditions for integration of tight-binding model into transport code. [ OMEN] is also a fully parallelized using message passing interface(MPI) for wave vectors in the bandstructure and energy grids in the transport. Great flexibility in [ OMEN Nanowire] for device structure and simulation options allows users to simulate a circular or rectangular nanowire with or without strain effect. Advanced 1D, 2D or 3D output plots make it possible for users to pioneer the nanowire devices more scientifically. This tool is supported by [ First Time User Guide] and [ Supporting Document]. ---- Improvements for v1.0.1 * The error in postprocessing of the density of states is fixed * 3D carrier density log-plot improved(for more meaningful plot the minimum of plotted carrier density is limited to 1e-14) * Channel doping included * Number of CPU's will be limited to 256 in the [ Steele] cluster. If number of CPUs to fullfill the simulation is lager than 256, then users will be asked to reduce the size of structure or the number of bias points. * The cross section of nanowire is limited to 3 nm in width and 3 nm in height of square nanowire (for circular nanowire the diameter will be limited 3.5 nm). * The length of nanowire is limited to 60 nm. * Figures for strain to help for users to understand is included in strain section. * Errors in postprocessing of the data for multiple bias points for Vds and Vgs fixed. * Improved [ simulation time estimation] for small and large nanowires Improvements for v1.0.2 * Automatic adjustment of calculated energy range for current transport calculation to cover the whole range of current flowing * Updated description of input field in rappture interface * [ First time user guide]

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Mahieu Luisier, et. al., Atomistic simulation of nanowires in the sp3d5s* tight-binding formalism : From boundary conditions to strain calculations, Physical Review B 74, 205323 ,2006

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • SungGeun Kim, Mathieu Luisier, Benjamin P Haley, Abhijeet Paul, Saumitra Raj Mehrotra, Gerhard Klimeck (2021), "OMEN Nanowire," (DOI: 10.4231/D3SX6488Z).

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