ME 597/PHYS 570: Fundamentals of Atomic Force Microscopy (Fall 2010)

By Ron Reifenberger1; Arvind Raman2

1. Physics Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 2. Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN



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Fall 2010

A course for students interested in learning the fundamentals underlying Atomic Force Microscopy.







There is really no required textbook for the course. A lot of the material is covered in individual lectures with a selection of key review and historical articles.

Here are some books that we recommend:

  • C. Julian Chen, Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, 2nd Edition (Oxford University Press, Oxford) 2008.
  • J. Israelachvili, Intermolecular and surface forces, 2nd Edition, (Elsevier), 1991.
  • E. Meyer, H. J. Hug, R. Bennewitz, Scanning Probe Microscopy – the lab on a tip, (Springer-Verlag) 2003.
  • D. Sarid, Scanning Force Microscopy: with applications to electric, magnetic and atomic forces, Oxford Series in Optical and Imaging Sciences, (Oxford University Press, Oxford) 1994.
  • V. J. Morris, A. P. Gunnig, A. R. Kirby, Atomic Force Microscopy for Biologists, (World Scientific) 1999.

Individual lectures will reference specific journal articles

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Ron Reifenberger, Arvind Raman (2010), "ME 597/PHYS 570: Fundamentals of Atomic Force Microscopy (Fall 2010),"

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3115 Armstrong, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN


Lecture Number/Topic Online Lecture Video Lecture Notes Supplemental Material Suggested Exercises
ME 597 Course Overview View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 1: Review of Quantum Tunneling/Introduction to STM View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
Homework 1 (Lectures 1-7)
ME 597 Lecture 2: STM Experimental Considerations View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 3: Advanced Topics in STM View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 4: The Transition from STM to AFM View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 5: Interaction Forces I View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 6: Interaction Forces II View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 7: Interaction Forces III View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 8: Introduction to Contact Mechanics View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 9: Force Distance Curves I View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
Homework 2 (Lectures 9-14)
ME 597 Lecture 10: Force Distance Curves II View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 11: Three Important Callibrations View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 12: Experimental Uncertainties in Extracting Material Properties from F-Z Curves View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
Guest lecturer: Ryan Wagner.

ME 597 Lecture 13: Virtual Environment for Dynamic AFM (VEDA) View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
Guest lecturer: John Melcher. VEDA Demonstration; Overview of Capabilities; F-Z Curve Tool

ME 597 Lecture 14: Introduction to Dynamic AFM View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 15: Dynamic Approach Curves View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
Homework 3 (Lectures 15-18)
ME 597 Lecture 16: Dynamic Approach Curves in AM-AFM (VEDA Demo) View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
Guest lecturer: John Melcher. VEDA demonstration.

ME 597 Lecture 17: Cantilever Eigenmodes, Equivalent Point Mass Oscillator, Analytical Approaches View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
HTML viewer
ME 597 Lecture 18a: Analytical Approaches View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 18b: Analytical Approaches - Peak Interaction Forces View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
Peak Force During Tapping - not directly observable.

ME 597 Lecture 19: VEDA - Scanning Controls View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
Homework 4 (Lectures 19-23)
ME 597 Lecture 20: Scanning Controls (VEDA Demo) View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
Guest lecturer: Daniel Kiracofe. VEDA demonstration.

ME 597 Lecture 21: Frequency Modulated AFM View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 22: Frequency Modulated AFM: Experimental Details View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 23: FM-AFM Selected Results and Achieving Atomic Resolution with AFM View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 24: Using AFM to Measure Electrostatic Forces View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 25: AFM in Liquids I View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 26: AFM in Liquids II View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
ME 597 Lecture 27: Other Emerging dAFM Techniques View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)