MOSFet Learning Materials

by Saumitra Raj Mehrotra, Dragica Vasileska, Gerhard Klimeck, Alejandra J. Magana


By completing the MOSFET Lab in ABACUS - Assembly of Basic Applications for Coordinated Understanding of Semiconductors, you will be able to:

a) understand the operation of MOSFET devices,

b) understand the limitations of the gradual channel approximation, and

c) understand the limitations of the drift-diffusion model.

The specific objectives of the MOSFET Lab are:


Recommended Reading

For better understanding of the operation and modeling of MOSFET devices, the following texts are highly recommended:

1. Michael Shur, Physics of Semiconductor Device (Prentice Hall).

2. Simon M. Sze and Kwok K. Ng, Physics of Semiconductor Devices (Wiley, 2006).

3. Dragica Vasileska, Stephen M. Goodnick and G. Klimeck, Computational Electronics: Semiclassical and Quantum Device Modeling and Simulation, Chapter 2 (CRC Press, 2010).


MOSFet: First-Time User Guide

MOSFet Demonstration: MOSFET Device Simulation and Analysis

Theoretical descriptions

* Lecture 3A: The Ballistic MOSFET

* Lecture 3B: The Ballistic MOSFET

* MOSFET Operation Description

* Physics of Nanoscale MOSFETs

Tool Verification

Verification of the Validity of the MOSFET Tool

Worked Examples

Coming Soon

Exercises and Homework Assignments

1. MOSFET - Theoretical Exercises

2. MOSFET Exercise

3. Exercise for MOSFET Lab: DIBL Effect

4. Exercise for MOSFET Lab: Long Channel vs. Short Channel Device

5. MOSfet Homework Assignment - Role of Dielectric Constant and Thickness

6. Exercise for MOSFET Lab: Device Scaling

Solutions to Exercises

Work in progress!

Take a Test

This test will assess your conceptual understanding of the physical, mathematical and computational knowledge related to operation of MOSFET devices.

ABACUS: Test for MOSFET Tool

Solve the Challenge

In this final challenge you will integrate all what you have learned about operation of MOSFET devices.

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