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Keerthi Jayasundera

What are the novel trends/challenges in the areas realated to DNA based biosensors

I am looking for an interesting research theme to write a proposal for a class project in analytical chemistry. I would like to take this opportunity to learn more about DNA biosensors and how could nanotechnology be used to in this area. If somebody can tell me some emerging, interesting themes in this field, would be greatly appreciated!


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1 Responses

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    Gaston Archibald

    I think DNA-based biosensors are a fascinating and promising technology with vast potential in various fields. These biosensors utilize DNA molecules to detect and analyze specific substances, such as chemicals, toxins, or pathogens, with high accuracy and sensitivity.

    The ability of DNA-based biosensors to rapidly identify target molecules has implications in medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, food safety, and other areas. They offer a non-invasive and cost-effective approach to detecting various analytes.

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