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In what order should I input multiple dielectric materials?

When using the Concentric Ellipsoids function and 2 different dielectric materials (for the 2 layers), does "Composition 1" refer to the composition of the inner ellipsoid or the outer layer? 

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    Prashant K Jain

    The inner core is material 1. The shell (layer between the two ellipsoids) is material 2. This can be easily verified by setting the dielectric function of material 2 to that of air and examining the resulting spectrum. 

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    -Prashant Jain

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      Can the shapefile numbering also be useful in identifying composition for the layers? For example, for the simulations I've been running involving two dielectrics for a nanoshell composed of a shell and a core, there are two numbers in the shapefile that are generated which are assigned to coordinates of dipoles based on  where they are - in the core and shell.  Looking at the coordinates and the numbering - I concluded that the shell should be assigned the composition 1 dielectric while the the core the composition 2 dielectric. Let me know if this is the case.



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