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Shaikh S. Ahmed

Default voltage values need be changed.

With the default device specifications, it seems that the default nanowire has a threshold voltage of ~ 0.6V. So, to drive the device into deep ON state, one should apply gate voltage, probably exceeding 0.8V. So, the default voltage sweep values need be changed. Please consider to set Vd = 0.8V, and Vg,max = 0.8V. However, if you do want to go with the current voltage values, then consider revising the device specifications. May be you need to use a thinner oxide, or a gate with lower workfunction.

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    SungGeun Kim

    I have changed the default parameters from Vd=0.4V to Vd=0.6V and the voltage sweep for Vg is still from 0 to 0.6V. The reason for this is explained in the supporting document( The inherent characteristics of ballistic transport make it difficult for the simulator to converge. This is found not to be changed when we decrease the workfunction below 4.2eV so we set the default workfunction as 4.2eV and the diameter of circular nanowire as 2.5nm(for more current) whereas it was 4.25eV and 2nm. The updated version of OMEN Nanowire with new default parameters will be available from version 1.0.3. Please bear with us a little bit. Thank you.

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1 Responses

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    SungGeun Kim

    Thank you for your comments. We will look for more appropriate default parameters and let you know after we update it.

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