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Antonio Cumbrera

example with csv file

Please, I am very interested in this tool. I need an example of csv file to learn the correct format

Francisco L. Cumbrera

Universidad de Sevilla

Thanks a lot

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1 Responses

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    For a system with N inputs and M outputs, you may specify a CSV file for the inputs where there are only N columns (one for each variable) and any number of observations as rows. Similarly, the M outputs can be specified in another CSV file with the same number of observations as rows and only M columns. Such files can be generated by putting your data in MS Excel and saving as .CSV

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      Antonio Cumbrera

      For about a monthI have trying that you tell me, Without any success. It would be possible a look to the trouble reports I sent?

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      Antonio Cumbrera

      For about a monthI have trying that you tell me, Without any success. It would be possible a look to the trouble reports I sent?

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        Juan Sebastian Martinez

        What trouble report have you submitted? Are there runtime errors? If so, please provide them here. 

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