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adil nadir kaplanseren

Traceback (most recent call last) AND 'C1' errors How solve this problem
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
 in run_all(ignore)
     34     else:
     35         outfilelmpdat, outfilepdb = readFiles.convert_structure(infile)
---> 36         createBonds.create_bonds(outfilelmpdat, outfilepdb, bondscale, lattice_in_file, boundaries)

~/data/results/1919375/struc2lammpsdf/bin/ in create_bonds(outfilelmpdat, outfilepdb, bondscale, files_in_lattice, user_boundaries)
     18     write_coeff('./bonds/new.lmpdat', ntypes)
---> 20     create_lammps_in(outfilelmpdat, ntypes, outfilepdb, bondscale)
     21     print('Creating bonds ...')
     22     return_code = run_lammps()

~/data/results/1919375/struc2lammpsdf/bin/ in create_lammps_in(lmpdatFile, ntypes, outfilepdb, bondscale)
    166     with open(outInfile, 'w') as f:
    167         f.write(constant_string1)
--> 168         f.write(createBondCommands.create_bonds_commands(lmpdatFile, outfilepdb, bondscale))
    169         f.write('write_data ./bonds/bonded.lmpdat \n')

~/data/results/1919375/struc2lammpsdf/bin/ in create_bonds_commands(infile, pdbfile, bondscale)
     12     commands += '\n'
     13     combinations = atom_type_combinations(types)
---> 14     cutoff_radii_list = cutoff_radii(combinations, types, bondscale)
     16     for i in range(len(combinations)):

~/data/results/1919375/struc2lammpsdf/bin/ in cutoff_radii(type_combinations, types, bondscale)
     74         a1Number = atomic_numbers[a1Name]
---> 75         a2Number = atomic_numbers[a2Name]
     77         a1Rad = ob.etab.GetCovalentRad(a1Number)

KeyError: 'C1'

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1 Responses

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    Lorena Alzate-Vargas

    I think the error is coming from the structure not being properly converted and atom types therefore are not correctly identified. Sometimes this happens if the input file is not in the right format (some typos in the atom type, spacing incorrect). I recommend checking again the input file and verifying that the tool converts the structure (structure visualization and also it says structure converted).

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