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Events List

  1. Prof. Stephen A Campbell - Carbon-Based Nanoswitch Logic

    Abstract:The process of shrinking semiconductor devices employed for fifty years has almost reached its end.  Fundamental limitations of the field effect device prevent much additional reduction in the supply voltage.  This leads to unavoidable off-state leakage and very high operating power, an intolerable situation, especially for mobile applications. This is leading to radical changes in the roadmap, forecasting separate technologies for high performance, low operating...

  2. Yi Cui - Solar Seminar Series

    Abstract: Advanced photon management using nanostructures provides exciting opportunities for enhancing solar cell device performance. In this talk, I will present examples of photon management at the nanoscale for amorphous Si, crystalline Si and III-V solar cells while balancing electrical charge carrier collection. Nanocone solar cells are simple structures combing an efficient antireflection and light trapping across a broad band of spectra and over a wide range of incident angles. We...

  3. George Zhao Seminar

    Abstract: Porous materials have found many traditional applications, such as petroleum refining, ion exchange, gas separation and purification, and optoelectronics, benefiting from the highly ordered pore structure and huge specific surface area. Recent emerging applications, such as sustainable energy, water technology, and nanotechnology require advanced porous materials with well-defined structural, interfacial, compositional, and morphological properties. This new paradigm presents...

  4. Solar Seminar Series - Bryan W. Boudouris

    Design of Optoelectronically-active Polymers for Organic Photovoltaic Applications Organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices are of great interest due to their promise of providing flexible, lightweight, and inexpensive alternatives to their currently-used inorganic counterparts. However, large-scale implementation of these modules has been hampered due to their relatively low power conversion efficiencies even in the highest-performing devices (PCE ~10%). Because the charge generation,...

  5. All User Meeting Slides

    Below is a link for the slides from the 2013 All User Meetings. More InformationSafety SlidesDirector Slides

  6. Professor Roger T. Howe Seminar

    Title: Vacuum Nanosystemsfor Energy Conversion Abstract: Micro and nano-fabricated sensors (e.g., accelerometers and gyroscopes) and actuators (e.g., light valve chips for projection and cell-phone displays) have become commonplace in recent years. Some of these devices must operate in a hermetically sealed, lowpressure ambient, a need that motivated the development of low-cost, wafer-scale vacuum encapsulation technologies. In this talk, I’ll identify a  promising direction for...

  7. XPS Lite Workshop Introduction to CasaXPS

    Course Objectives: -Learn main physics principles of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) - Learn what analysis/treatment should be applied to raw XPS data - Learn CasaXPS software - Learn approaches for qualitative and quantitative analysis of XPS data using CasaXPS Case studies based on participant's XPS data Course Description: XPS is widely used to determine the chemical composition of a surface (element concentrations, chemical states, lateral and depth distributions, etc.)....

  8. Marcello Ferrera Seminar on Advanced Integrated Photonics

    Marcello Ferrera attained his master degree in micro-electronic engineering in 2005 at University of Palermo (Italy) defending his thesis entitled: "Growth of ferroelectric thin films of barium strontium titanate by pulsed laser deposition and their morphological characterization". This work was developed during a one year internship sponsored by (and performed at) INRS--EMT labs in Canada. During this period, he mastered fundamental techniques for the fabrication and the...

  9. Introduction to XPS workshop - What you should know about X-ray pohotoelectron spectroscopy

    Course Objectives: - Learn physics principles of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) -Learn about the analysis of surfaces with XPS and limitations of the technique - Learn approaches for qualitative and quantitative analysis of XPS data -Learn the types of problems that can be solved with XPS:examples - Advanced data analysis: coverage calculation, thin film thickness calculation, etc. Course Description: XPS is widely used to determine the chemical composition of a surface...

  10. Solar Seminar Series - Rakesh Agrawal

    Thin Film Solar Cells from Nanocrystal Inks of Quaternary Chalcogenides The creation of a suitable inorganic colloidal nanocrystal ink for use in a scalable coating process is a key step in the development of low-cost thin film solar cells. We have developed an innovative method of using copper indium gallium disulfide (CIGS) nanocrystals as the building block for the fabrication of bulk CIGSSe thin films. The CIGS nanocrystal ink solution is applied directly on various substrates to form a...

  11. Jaime Marian Seminar

    Plastic localization in irradiated ferritic systems: new insights from modeling and simulation Low temperature irradiation of crystalline materials is known to result in hardening and loss of ductility, which limits the usefulness of candidate materials in harsh nuclear environments. In bcc metals, this mechanical property degradation is caused by the interaction of in-grown dislocations with irradiation defects, particularly small dislocation loops resulting from the microstructural...

  12. Dohun Kim Seminar

    Electronic Transport in BisSe3Thin Films in the Topological Insulator Regime The 3D topological insulators (TIs) have an insulating bulk but metallic surface states stemming from band inversion due to strong spin-orbit interaction, whose existence is guaranteed by the topology of the band structure of the insulator. Like graphene, the STI surface state generically has a Dirac electronic spectrum with massless electrons and a vanishing bandgap at a Dirac point. In this talk, I will discuss...

  13. Center fo Scient of Information talks and poster session

    David Tse, UC Berkeley Title:  Optimal Whole Genome Shotgun Assembly: From Simple Models to Complex Data Tuesday, December 04, 2012 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm EST LWSN 1142 Professor Tse will speak on using information theory approaches in DNA sequencing focused on two basic questions: what is the minimum read length and the minimum number of reads required for reliable reconstruction? What is an optimal assembly algorithm that achieves the minimum? He will describe the basis of...

  14. Dr. Tahira Reid Seminar

    Studies on Human Judgments and their Impacts on Engineering Design Decisions Engineers have the unique opportunity to provide design solutions to a variety of problems in our society. However, when it comes to problems that require an understanding of the social or psychological aspects of a solution, we are limited by the traditional engineering paradigm. Colleagues in the social sciences have developed a number of quantitative tools that have proven to be effective in assessing consumer...

  15. Steve Christensen Seminar

    Using an ICME approach for composite materials development in aerospace

  16. Muhammad Shoaib Arif PhD Defense

    HIGH-Q AND WIDELY TUNABLE ALL-SILICON RESONATORS AND FILTERS FOR MICROWAVE AND MILLIMETER-WAVE APPLICATIONS The concept of a single portable communication device that can support a variety of wireless standards has been implemented for several years now. Presently, this is achieved by integrating multiple radios into a single device. The rapidly increasing demand of incorporating new standards with the existing RF front-end architecture has greatly increased the design complexity, cost,...

  17. David Giedroc Seminar

    Transition Metal Homeostasis in Bacterial Pathogens: Structure and Mechanism All prokaryotes encode a panel of metal sensor or metalloregulatory proteins that govern the expression of genes that allows an organism to quickly adapt to toxicity or deprivation of both biologically essential transition metalions, e.g., Zn, Cu, Fe, and heavy metal pollutants. As such, metal sensor proteins can be considered arbiters of intracellular transition metal bioavailability and thus potentially control...

  18. W. Mike Arnold Seminar

    Studies of Particle Size and Aggregation Using a TuneableNanopore Mike Arnold studied Biochemistry, Marine Science and Electronic Engineering Science in the UK. During post-doctoral work in Jülich, Germany and later as a University Lecturer, he developed the electro-rotational method of single-cell dielectric spectroscopy and also worked on commercial apparatus for dielectrophoresisand cell fusion. Following the award of the Dr.rer.nat. habil. (equivalent to the D.Sc.) degree in...

  19. Sanjiv Sinha Seminar

    Title: Selected Studies in Electro-Thermal Transport Physics & Engineering Abstract: Advanced nanostructures provide unprecedented access to investigate fundamental electro-thermal transport. Experimental observations in such materials often contradict established notions and theoretical assumptions. In this talk, I will describe our recent investigations of transport in several advanced nanostructures of current interest: rough silicon nanowires1-3, polysiliconinverse opals,...

  20. Stefan Dilhaire Seminar

    Energy Transport in Nano Materials and Nano Objects Energy transport is fundamental to both improving our understanding of basic material properties and advancing the intelligent design of new and more optimally functional materials. Energy transport is mediated by various particles and their subsequent interactions, including electrons, photons, phonons, plasmons, and excitons. The precise nature of any material determines which of these are most important. A more complete understanding of...