Tribological Properties of Carbon Nanotube Bundles

By SeongJun Heo1; Susan Sinnott1

1. University of Florida

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The tribological properties of carbon nanotube(CNT) bundles are investigated in this research using classical molecular dynamics(MD) simulations. Bundle of hollow single walled CNT or CNT filled with C60 is placed between two hydrogen-terminated amorphous diamond-like carbon(DLC) substrates. The topmost diamond substrate moves to compress the nanotubes and then slides relative to the lower diamond surface in order to shear the nanotube bundle. The forces on the atoms at the topmost diamond substrate are calculated.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • SeongJun Heo, Susan Sinnott (2006), "Tribological Properties of Carbon Nanotube Bundles,"

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