Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: Development of 90nm InGaAs HEMTs and Benchmarking Logic Performance with Si CMOS

By Kuang-Yu (Donald) Cheng

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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We have developed 90nm InGaAs Channel HEMT process and compared the DC and RF performance to 90nm Si nMOSFET by direct measurement (shown in Table II). With nonself-aligned structure, comparable DC characteristics
and superior RF performance are already demonstrated. The extracted parameters together with logic figures of merit shows 90nm InGaAs HEMT has the promise of 2 times better performance compared to 90nm Si CMOS. This work contributes benchmark of III-V channel FET for beyond CMOS logic applications and provides insights for improvement in design layout and process development of III-V HEMT for logic applications


Donald Cheng, Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering with Prof. Milton Feng

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • K.Y. (Donald) Cheng, D. Chan, F. Tan, H. Xu, M. Feng, "Development of 90nm InGaAs HEMTs and Benchmarking Logic Performance with Si CMOS," IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium, (2010
  • Kuang-Yu (Donald) Cheng (2012), "Illinois Nano EP Seminar Series Spring 2011: Development of 90nm InGaAs HEMTs and Benchmarking Logic Performance with Si CMOS,"

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Javid Mohammed Ali

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
