[Illinois] Biophotonics 2011: Intro to Cellular Bioengineering

By Yingxiao "Peter" Wang

Bioengineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL

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Biophotonics Summer School 2011

The Biophotonics Summer School brings together from a wide variety of disciplines to teach students about the biophotonics field. In 2011, some of the topics covered included principles of biophotonics, technology and methods of investigation. The latest research developments are also covered, including: biomolecular sensing, nanoprobes, nonlinear microscopy, nanoscopy, and nanoplasmonics. The summer school brought together students from across the world and from a multitude of backgrounds.


Yingxiao "Peter" Wang Associate Professor of Bioengineering, Molecular and Integrative Physiology, Neuroscience, Beckman Institute, and Biophysics Ph.D. 2002, UC San Diego

Live-cell Imaging and Bionanotechnology Specific research interests include:

To develop genetically-encoded reporters based on fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET) to visualize and quantify signaling transduction in live cells with high tempo-spatial resolution; To visualize multiple signaling events simultaneously in live cells with different fluorescence probes and elucidate the molecular hierarchy involved in cellular signaling transduction; To integrating bio-nanotechnology, laser-tweezers, and live-cell imaging technologies to manipulate the micro-environment and visualize the regulatory signaling cascades in live cell motility and migration; To detect early cancer development in biopsy samples with FRET-based reporters.

(Source: http://biophysics.illinois.edu/faculty/wang.html)

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Yingxiao "Peter" Wang (2012), "[Illinois] Biophotonics 2011: Intro to Cellular Bioengineering," https://nanohub.org/resources/14310.

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Charlie Newman, NanoBio Node

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
