Poster: Integrating ethics and policy into nanotechnology education

By Mike Gorman

Department of Engineering & Society, University of Virginia

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Presented at the EEC
meeting March 2012


Michael E. Gorman earned a Masters (1978) and a PhD (1981) in Social Psychology at the University of New Hampshire. He is a Professor in the Department of Science, Technology & Society at the University of Virginia, where he teaches courses on ethics, invention, psychology of science and communication. He worked for two years as a Program Director in the Science, Technology & Society program at the National Science Foundation and is President of the International Society for Psychology of Science and Tehnology. His research interests include experimental simulations of science, described in Simulating Science (Indiana University Press, 1992) and cognition, invention and ethics, described in Transforming Nature (Kluwer Academic Press, 1998). With support from the NSF, he conducted a multi-year cognitive study of the invention of the telephone whose results appeared in Social Studies of Science and Thinking and Reasoning. NSF supported his work with Patricia Werhane on case studies that combined ethics, invention and design, described in Ethical and Environmental Challenges to Engineering (Prentice-Hall, 2000). NSF also supported work that led to his edited volumes on Scientific and Technological Thinking (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005), and Trading Zones and Interactional Expertise: Creating New Kinds of Collaboration (MIT Press, 2010). He edited a special issue on Cognition in Science and Technology for the journal TopiCS in Cognitive Science. He also co-edited the Handbook of the Psychology of Science. Springer, 2013 (with Greg Feist. His latest edited volume is Savage, N., Gorman, M.E. and Street, A.(Editors) Emerging technologies: Socio-behavioral life-cycle approaches. PanStanford, 2013, which features nanotechnology as one of the examples.

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NSF NUE program SES 0836648, Societal Dimensions of Nanotechnology: A Course Connecting Communities


Below are Gorman's publications related to societal dimensions of nanotechnology:

Gorman, Michael E.; Swami, Nathan; Cohoon, J. McGrath; Groves, James; Squibbs, Kristen; Werhane, Patricia H. (2013) Integrating Ethics and Policy Into Nanotechnology Education Journal of Nano Education, Volume 4, Numbers 1-2, March 2013 , pp. 25-32(8)

Gorman, M., Werhane, P., & Swami, N. (2009). Moral imagination, trading zones, and the role of the ethicist in nanotechnology. Nanoethics, 3: 185-195.

Wardak, A., Gorman, M. E., Swami, N., & Rejeski, D. (2007). Environmental regulatory implications for nanomaterials under the toxic substances control act (TSCA). IEEE Technology & Society, 26(2), 48-56.

Gorman, M.E., Groves, J.E, Wardak, A. (2010) Managing the evolution of nanotechnology. In Bidgoli, H. (2010). The Handbook of Technology Management, Volume 3: Management Support Systems, Electronic Commerce, Legal and Security Considerations. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 373-383.

Gorman, M. E., Wardak, A., Fauss, E., & Swami, N. (2008). A framework for using nanotechnology to improve water quality. In Savage N., Diallo M., Duncan J., Street A. and Sustich R.(Eds.), Nanotechnology applications for clean water. (pp. 491-508) Norwich, New York: William Andrew,Applied Science Publishers.

Gorman, M. E., & Groves, J. (2007). Training students to be interactional experts. In M. C. Roco & W. S. Bainbridge (Eds.), Societal Implications of Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology II:Maximizing Human Benefit (pp. 301-305). Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation.

Gorman, M. E., & Groves, J. (2007). Training students to be interactional experts. In M. C. Roco & W. S. Bainbridge (Eds.), Societal Implications of Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology II: Maximizing Human Benefit. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation, 301-4.

Gorman, M. E., & Groves, J. (2006). Collaborating on converging technologies: Education and practice. In W. S. Bainbridge & M. C. Roco (Eds.), Managing nano-bio-info-cogno innovations (pp. 71-88). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

Gorman, M. E., Groves, J. F., & Shrager, J. (2004). Societal Dimensions of Nanotechnology as a
Trading Zone: Results from a Pilot Project. In D. Baird, A. Nordmann & J. Schummer (Eds.), Discovering the Nanoscale (pp. 63-73). Amsterdam: IOS Press.

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  • Mike Gorman (2013), "Poster: Integrating ethics and policy into nanotechnology education,"

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