nanoHUB: Your Workday on Steroids

By Michael McLennan

Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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You have a lot to do every day: Get the data from your lab partner, find a model that might help explain the results, and work with your colleagues to draft that paper. On top of that, you need a lesson in quantum wells for that class you’re teaching. You need a web site for your research group, or for that workshop you’re organizing. You want to keep up with the latest research and find new ideas. You want to build your reputation and become a recognized leader in your field, so you can get tenure and a spot in the national academy some day.

Don’t panic! nanoHUB is there with you every step of the way. You might know that nanoHUB has a vast repository of seminars and teaching materials, along with simulation/modeling tools for both education and research. But nanoHUB also has project areas where you can share data with colleagues and work together to draft papers and proposals. nanoHUB has powerful numerical methods that can predict parameter sensitivity and quantify the uncertainty of your results given the variation of parameters in your experiment. nanoHUB can help you build a web presence for your research group, or for that workshop you’re organizing. nanoHUB monitors the resources that you share with the community and helps build your impact story. nanoHUB is not just something you visit once in a while for a lecture. It’s your workday, on steroids.


Michael McLennan is a senior research scientist at Purdue University’s Rosen Center for Advanced Computing, where he is Director of the HUBzero Platform for Scientific Collaboration. He received a Ph.D. in 1990 from Purdue University, supported as an SRC Graduate Fellow, for his dissertation on dissipative quantum mechanical electron transport in semiconductor heterostructure devices. He spent 14 years working in industry at Bell Labs and Cadence Design Systems, developing software for computer-aided design of integrated circuits. He created !Tcl, an object-oriented extension of the Tcl scripting language, which has been used by thousands of developers worldwide on projects ranging from the TiVo digital video recorder to the Mars Pathfinder. He coauthored two books, Effective Tcl/Tk Programming (Addison-Wesley, 1997) and Tcl/Tk Tools (O’Reilly Media, 1997). His latest project is the Rappture Toolkit, which accelerates the process of creating scientific tools for simulation and modeling.

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  • Michael McLennan (2014), "nanoHUB: Your Workday on Steroids,"

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