2007 Birck Nanotechnology Center Annual Research Symposium



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The First Annual Birck Nanotechnology Center Research Symposium was held on April 2nd, 2007 in Purdue’s Discovery Park. These presentations feature the research achievements of the past year along with descriptions of the communities, ongoing projects, facilities and expertise in the domains of Metrology and Nanomaterials Characterization, Bio-nanotechnology and Biomedical Devices, Nanophotonics, Nanoelectronics and Semiconductor Devices, and Nanoscale Energy Conversion. Other areas of nanotechnology research strength at Purdue include computational nanotechnology, MEMS/NEMS, nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing.

If you are a prospective graduate student, we hope these presentations will give you a sense of the scope and depth of the Ph.D. research opportunities at the BNC, and will help you identify members of the faculty who work in your areas of interest. If you are a potential collaborator, these presentations should help you identify individuals and projects that could serve as points of connection between you and the BNC. Finally, if you are interested in accessing the unique nanotechnology facilities and expertise at Purdue, we expect that these presentations will help you get started. Regardless of your interest, we hope you have the opportunity to visit the Birck Nanotechnology Center in the near future.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • (2007), "2007 Birck Nanotechnology Center Annual Research Symposium," https://nanohub.org/resources/2613.

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In This Series

  1. BNC Annual Research Symposium: Welcome and Overview

    Online Presentations | 23 Apr 2007 | Contributor(s): Timothy D. Sands | 310 users

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  2. BNC Annual Research Symposium: Bio-Nanotechnology and Biomedical Devices

    Online Presentations | 23 Apr 2007 | Contributor(s): Rashid Bashir | 1068 users

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  3. BNC Annual Research Symposium: Nanophotonics

    Online Presentations | 23 Apr 2007 | Contributor(s): Vladimir M. Shalaev | 203 users

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  4. BNC Annual Research Symposium: Nanoelectronics and Semiconductor Devices

    Online Presentations | 23 Apr 2007 | Contributor(s): David Janes | 547 users

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  5. BNC Annual Research Symposium: Metrology and Nanomaterials Characterization

    Online Presentations | 10 May 2007 | Contributor(s): Ron Reifenberger | 627 users

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.

  6. BNC Annual Research Symposium: Nanoscale Energy Conversion

    Online Presentations | 23 Apr 2007 | Contributor(s): Timothy S Fisher | 1156 users

    This presentation is part of a collection of presentations describing the projects, people, and capabilities enhanced by research performed in the Birck Center, and a look at plans for the upcoming year.