Determination of Percent Oxygen in Air

By Jared Ashcroft1; NACK Network2; Brandon Rodriguez3; Isabel Bojanini1; Ashley Min1; Melanie Hacopian1

1. Pasadena City College 2. Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge (NACK) Network 3. NASA Education

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The percent oxygen in air was determined using the reaction of steel wool with oxygen gas. Using a remotely accessible instrument provided by the RAIN Network, images and elemental composition of the steel wool and oxidized steel wool was obtained for use in chemical identification of steel wool samples.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Jared Ashcroft, NACK Network, Brandon Rodriguez, Isabel Bojanini, Ashley Min, Melanie Hacopian (2017), "Determination of Percent Oxygen in Air,"

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