Building Nanohub Tool "Optical Properties of Single Coaxial Nanowires -LDOS and Purcell Factor"

By Sulaiman Abdul-Hadi1; Amartya Dutta1; Melissa P Cardona2; Chen Yang2

1. Boston University 2. Purdue University

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White Light Emitting Diodes (WLEDs) have been replacing traditional and less efficient lights, but they can still be further improved with greater efficiency. Core-Shell nanowires could theoretically dramatically increase WLED efficiency due to plasmon resonances. My project was to build a simulation tool for The tool that I made is called “Optical Properties of Single Coaxial Nanowires -LDOS and Purcell Factor”, or NWLDOS. The tool can be used to calculate the Local Density to States, and the Purcell Factor (PF) of single nanowires (NWs), with a core and up to 2 shells. This tool is able to simulate a variety of metal and semiconductor materials.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Sulaiman Abdul-Hadi, Amartya Dutta, Melissa P Cardona, Chen Yang (2018), "Building Nanohub Tool "Optical Properties of Single Coaxial Nanowires -LDOS and Purcell Factor","

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