The Quest for Safer Rechargeable Batteries

By Vilas Pol

Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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The ViPER (Vilas Pol Energy Research) laboratory focuses on the development of high-capacity electrode materials, their engineering for longer cycle life and improved safety. Considering the advantages and limitations of known synthesis techniques, a solventless, single-step processing technology has been developed to fabricate a variety of unique anode and cathode materials for Li-ion, Na-ion, K-ion and Li-S batteries.

Dr. Pol’s talk also will discuss how tailored spherical, solid, dense carbon-particle anodes could make Li-ion batteries safer by distributing current uniformly during charging, minimizing excess solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation and dendritic growth. He also will demonstrate ViPER’s recent efforts on structural, morphological, compositional and electrochemical properties of various fascinating electro-chemistries. Additionally, he will discuss ViPER’s determinations on the transformative science, engineering and technology.


Vilas Pol Dr. Vilas Pol earned his M.Sc. from Pune University, India in 1996, and his PhD from University of Bar-Ilan, Israel in 2005. He joined Purdue Chemical Engineering in 2014, and leads the Vilas Pol Energy Research Group (ViPER). He has received numerous awards for his excellence in research. His research group is an experimental collective dedicated to advancing the current state of commercial energy storage technology.

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  • Vilas Pol (2018), "The Quest for Safer Rechargeable Batteries,"

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