Water From Urine

By Christina Crawford1; Krystal Dunn2; NEWT Center3

1. Rice University, Houston, TX 2. Aldine ISD 3. NanoEnabled Water Treatment (NEWT) ERC, Rice University, Houston, TX

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The average person on Earth uses about 80 gallons of water per day, however, in space astronauts only use about 3 gallons of water per day.  Because water is a limited resource in space, NEWT scientists are working on a solution to recycle water from urine using nanotechnology.  In this video students will learn about the process required from extracting water from urine. 


Krystal Dunn, Biology Teacher, Aldine ISD

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Nano-Enabled Water Treatment supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) award #EEC-1449500

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Christina Crawford, Krystal Dunn, NEWT Center (2019), "Water From Urine," https://nanohub.org/resources/29567.

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