BME 695N Lecture 5: Cell Targeting

By James Leary

Basic Medical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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  1. Overview: targeting nanosystems to cells
    1. Antibody targeting
    2. Peptide targeting
    3. Aptamer targeting
  2. Antibodies – polyclonal and monoclonal
    1. Where do antibodies come from – in nature?
    2. How do we make them in the laboratory?
    3. Monoclonal antibodies
    4. Therapy problems with mouse monoclonal antibodies
    5. “Humanizing” monoclonal antibodies to reduce adverse host immune reactions
    6. Why antibodies may not be a good overall choices for targeting nanosystems to cells
  3. Peptide targeting
    1. How does a peptide target?
    2. Examples of peptide targeting
    3. Creating new peptides by random peptide phage display libraries
    4. High-throughput screening of those peptide libraries
    5. Advantages and disadvantages of peptide targeting
  4. Aptamer targeting
    1. What are aptamers and how do they target?
    2. Some different types of aptamers
    3. How do you make aptamers?
    4. How do you screen for useful aptamers?


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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • James Leary (2007), "BME 695N Lecture 5: Cell Targeting,"

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