Rydberg Polaritons: Driven-Dissipative Dynamics at Strong-Interaction Limit

By Hadiseh Alaeian

Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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In this seminar, I will talk about the first- and second-order quantum dissipative phase transitions of a three-modecavity with a Hubbard interaction. In both types, there is a mean-field (MF) limit-cycle phase where the local U(1)-symmetry and the time-translational symmetry (TTS) of the Liouvillian super-operator are spontaneously broken (SSB). In MF, this SSB manifests itself through the appearance of an unconditionally and fully squeezed state at the cavity output, connected to the well-known Goldstone mode. By employing the Wigner function formalism hence, properly including the quantum noise, we show that away from the thermodynamic limit and within the quantum regime, fluctuations notably limit the coherence time of the Goldstone modedue to the phase diffusion. Our theoretical predictions suggest that interacting multimode photonic systems are rich, versatile testbeds for investigating the cross overs between the mean-field picture and quantum phase transitions. A problem that can be investigated in various platforms including superconducting circuits, semiconductor microcavities, atomic Rydberg polaritons, and cuprite excitons.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Hadiseh Alaeian (2020), "Rydberg Polaritons: Driven-Dissipative Dynamics at Strong-Interaction Limit," https://nanohub.org/resources/34428.

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