NEWT Diversity and Inclusion Modules

By Theresa Chatman1; NEWT Center2

1. NEWT Center, Rice University, Houston, TX 2. NanoEnabled Water Treatment (NEWT) ERC



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The Nano-enabled Water Treatment (NEWT) Center has a suite of online modules that has tips on best mentoring practices, the dynamic between students and their faculty advisors, underrepresented minority (URM) faculty hiring practices and more.

For more information see the NEWT Center's Diversity and Inclusion goals


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National Science Foundation (NSF) award #EEC-1449500.

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  • Theresa Chatman, NEWT Center (2021), "NEWT Diversity and Inclusion Modules,"

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In This Series

  1. NEWT Diversity and Inclusion Module: Best Mentoring Practices

    Online Presentations | 05 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Theresa Chatman, NEWT Center

    The Nano-enabled Water Treatment (NEWT) Center has a suite of online modules that has tips on best mentoring practices, the dynamic between students and their faculty advisors, underrepresented minority (URM) faculty hiring practices and more.

  2. NEWT Diversity and Inclusion Module: The Story of Javier

    Online Presentations | 05 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Theresa Chatman, NEWT Center

    The Nano-enabled Water Treatment (NEWT) Center has a suite of online modules that has tips on best mentoring practices, the dynamic between students and their faculty advisors, underrepresented minority (URM) faculty hiring practices and more.

  3. NEWT Diversity and Inclusion Module: The Story of Becky and the Disappearing Supplement

    Online Presentations | 05 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Theresa Chatman, NEWT Center

    The Nano-enabled Water Treatment (NEWT) Center has a suite of online modules that has tips on best mentoring practices, the dynamic between students and their faculty advisors, underrepresented minority (URM) faculty hiring practices and more.