Vacuum Function, Operation and Systems

By Terry Kuzma1; Nancy Louwagie2; NACK Network3

1. Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA 2. Normandale Community College, Bloomington, MN 3. Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Network, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA

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While there are volumes of interesting material on vacuum technology, we will overview just a few of the core concepts. We will focus on the foundations of vacuum technology used in advance manufacturing and some areas of material characterization, including the definition of vacuum, defining “how much” vacuum is needed, and how concepts, such as “mean free path”, have a direct consequence on nanoscale material deposition. Vacuum system design and vacuum pump physics/design will help lead us into a demonstration of a vacuum based deposition tool at Normandale Community College, which is available on the RAIN network.

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  • Terry Kuzma, Nancy Louwagie, NACK Network (2022), "Vacuum Function, Operation and Systems,"

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