What Employers Look for on Resumes

By Stephen L. Roach

Center for Career Opportunities & Pre-Professional Advising, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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Watch this presentation to make the most of your search for an internship or full-time position.  Before you apply for the next opportunity make sure your resume is going to get you to the next step.


Stephen Roach Stephen Roach is Director of Operations, Strategic Initiatives and Data Analytics for the Center for Career Opportunities.  Stephen has worked with Purdue University students since 2017.  He enjoys guiding students to successfully obtain internships and full-time positions.

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  • Stephen L. Roach (2022), "What Employers Look for on Resumes," https://nanohub.org/resources/36651.

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Knoy B019, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
