Thermoelectric Generator Module with Convective Heat Transfer

By Yuefeng Wang; Guoheng Chen; Michael McLennan; Timothy S Fisher; (unknown)

Electrical power density and efficiency of a thermoelectric generator with convective heat transfer on hot side and cold side is calculated.

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Published on 12 Jul 2010
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doi:10.4231/D3N00ZT0C cite this

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Electrical power density of a thermoelectric generator (TEG) with convective heat transfer on the hot and cold sides is calculated. The conversion efficiency of the generator is also presented. By assuming the power factor is temperature independent or nearly constant within a certain temperature range, the steady-state energy balance is simulated for the equilibrium working condition of the thermoelectric generator. Assumptions: Assume the Seebeck Coefficient is not changing with temperature or constant within a range of working temperatures. In addition, there is no heat loss to the ambient walls from the hot side to the cold side of the thermoelectric generator (TEG). All electrical resistivity is not changing with temperature. The bulk temperatures of the working fluids are fixed.

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[1] Charles C. Sorrell, Sunao Sugihara and Janusz Nowotny. Materials for Energy Conversion Devices. pp. 341-342. (2005) [2] Angrist. Direct Energy Conversion. pp. 138. (1982)

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Yuefeng Wang, Guoheng Chen, Michael McLennan, Timothy S Fisher, (2014), "Thermoelectric Generator Module with Convective Heat Transfer," (DOI: 10.4231/D3N00ZT0C).

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