Bound States Calculation Lab

Calculates bound states for square, parabolic, triangular and V-shaped potential energy profile

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Version 2.0 - published on 10 Apr 2020

doi:10.21981/6CJZ-SW77 cite this

This tool is closed source.

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720 I have to do a Bound States Calculation Lab for my semiconductor class. One of the plot is for infinite potential well. I don’t know what to enter in the well depht to get the result needed.
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
714 Energy level VS Level number. How can I plot level number???
Asked by duffy polk Open 0
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237 Tool improvement request – plotting the eigenstate energies as a function of occurrance
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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219 code crashes when I simulate parabolic confinement with 0.06eV potential shape
Asked by Anonymous Closed 2
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