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MEEPPV is a graphical user interface (GUI) based MEEP simulation tool, particularly for photovoltaic (PV) cells. It was developed for new and less users who are starting to use MEEP, as this tool requires a background understanding of Scheme language. MEEPPV now collects input from the Rappture interface, and uses it to create a Scheme control file to run MEEP on the back end as before. It outputs images of the PV cell structure being simulated; graphs of the transmission, reflection, and absorption; as well as an animation of the fields propagating through the PV cell.
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Meep---MIT Electromagnetic Equation Propagation Developed by MIT
Dr. Bermel is a tenure-track assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at Purdue. He has published a total of 24 peer-reviewed original research articles on fundamental material science and engineering, including simulations and experiments on electromagnetic and quantum mechanical systems. Including scientific reviews, conference proceedings, and patents, he has published a total of 40 technical documents. His work has been cited a total of 1614 times, for an h-index value of 15. Peter's primary research goal is to improve the performance of photovoltaic, thermophotovoltaic, and nonlinear systems using the principles of nanophotonics.
Ardavan Farjadpour, David Roundy, Mihai Ibanescu, Peter Bermel, John D. Joannopoulos, Steven G. Johnson, "Meep: a flexible free-software package for electromagnetic simulations by the FDTD method", Computer Physics Communications (available online as of December 2, 2009).
Ardavan Farjadpour, David Roundy, Alejandro Rodriguez, Mihai Ibanescu, Peter Bermel, J. D. Joannopoulos, Steven G. Johnson, and Geoffrey Burr, "Improving accuracy by subpixel smoothing in FDTD (," Optics Letters 31 (20), 2972–2974 (2006).
McLennan, M.; Kennell, R., "HUBzero: A Platform for Dissemination and Collaboration in Computational Science and Engineering," Computing in Science and Engineering 12, 48-52 (2010).
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