Tags: nanobio applications

All Categories (81-100 of 109)

  1. Nanoscale Simulations & Engineering Applications: Applications - Self-Assembly in Nanoconfinement

    Online Presentations | 04 Feb 2019 | Contributor(s):: Vikram Jadhao

  2. Nanosphere Electrostatics Lab Tutorial

    Online Presentations | 11 Nov 2019 | Contributor(s):: Jayanath Chamindu Sandanuwan Kadupitiya Kadupitige, Ballard, Joshua Brendan

    Accurate knowledge of ionic structure & dynamics is critical to study nanoparticle dynamics. Nanoparticles are polarized in most solvents. Simulating the dynamics of ions near polarizable nanoparticles is challenging: Need to solve Poisson equation at every timestep....

  3. Nanotechnology applications roadmap for the Forest Products Industry

    Downloads | 11 Aug 2008 | Contributor(s):: Steven L. Masia

    Shows a mapping of potential nanotechnology applications in the forest products industrySteven L. MasiaNIST

  4. Oligodeoxyribonucleotide Association with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

    Online Presentations | 02 Aug 2007 | Contributor(s):: Jennifer McDonald

    Commercially available single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) tend to aggregate as ropes and bundles during production making them of little use in many scientific and industrial applications. An effective technique for dispersing and solubilizing SWCNTs is required to fully utilize their unique...

  5. On the Cross Roads of Biology and Nanotechnology – Selective DNA Nanopore Sensors

    Online Presentations | 21 Mar 2007 | Contributor(s):: Samir Iqbal

    The ability to manipulate and identify the properties of singlebiological molecules with the potential of characterizing biologicalprocesses at the most fundamental levels can significantly facilitaterapid diagnostics and therapeutics. Fabrication of solid-statedevices investigating bacteria,...

  6. Nov 27 2023

    Online Conference On "Advanced Nano Drug Delivery Systems"

    Nano D2S-2023 aims to bring together leading researchers, scientists, academicians, and industry professionals working on various aspects of Nano based drug delivery systems to share their latest...


  7. Optical BioMEMS Microfluidic Technologies for Hand-Held, Point-of-Care, Medical Devices

    Online Presentations | 23 Nov 2009 | Contributor(s):: James Leary

    Portable, point-of-care, medical diagnostic devices could provide an important new component in more cost-effective healthcare delivery. Rapid measurements of blood samples during an examination within a doctor’s office or in the field, could allow immediate appropriate treatment of medical...

  8. P-N Semiconductor Membranes for Ion Filtering and Rectification

    Online Presentations | 06 Apr 2008 | Contributor(s):: J. P. Leburton

    Jean-Pierre Leburton's research at the Beckman Institute deals with transport and optical processes in semiconductor nanostructures such as quantum wires and quantum dots that exhibit a high degree of quantization dependent on the semiconductor materials and geometrical confinement. This...

  9. pc4thanos : Thanos vs. Avengers multicellular demonstrator

    Tools | 28 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Paul Macklin

    PhysiCell Thanos vs. Avengers demonstrator for multicellular simulation techniques

  10. PhysiCell biorobots simulation

    Tools | 16 Jan 2019 | Contributor(s):: Randy Heiland, Paul Macklin

    2D sim of director, worker, and cargo cells.

  11. PhysiCell cancer biorobots simulation

    Tools | 21 Jan 2019 | Contributor(s):: Randy Heiland, Paul Macklin

    2D simulation of biorobots delivering a drug to cancer cells

  12. PhysiCell model for COVID19

    Tools | 26 Mar 2020 | Contributor(s):: Randy Heiland, Yafei Wang, Paul Macklin

    Prototype 2-D multicellular simulation of COVID19.

  13. PhysiCell model with SBML intracellular model

    Tools | 24 Oct 2019 | Contributor(s):: Randy Heiland

    Each cell will have its own intracellular (metabolic) model that will affect the microenvironment.

  14. Practical Introduction to the BioMOCA Suite

    Online Presentations | 23 Apr 2008 | Contributor(s):: David Papke

    In this presentation, I describe how to use the online BioMOCA Suite. I explain how to prepare the .pqr input protein structure from a .pdb structure. I then explain in detail how to use each of the four subtools in the BioMOCA Suite.I do not cover in detail how the BioMOCA code works. If you are...

  15. Re-engineering a Healthy Eye Tissue to Restore Damaged Eyesight

    Online Presentations | 02 Aug 2007 | Contributor(s):: Margarita Shalaev

    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye disease that is the leading cause of blindness in the USA and Western Europe. It affects over one million people in the United States alone. One of the symptoms of AMD is a diseased Bruch’s membrane, which is an important layer in the eye. Our...

  16. Silicon nanomembranes

    Online Presentations | 30 Mar 2008 | Contributor(s):: Max Lagally

    Silicon nanomembranes are extremely thin (

  17. SPMW A fresh look to amplitude-modulation AFM: Force minimization, interaction measurement, and the quest for high resolution

    Online Presentations | 05 Jan 2007 | Contributor(s):: Udo D. Schwarz

    Frequency modulation atomic force microscopy (FM-AFM) has been able to deliver high-resolution atomic-scale images in ultrahigh vacuum for over one decade. In addition, there have been recent reports where atomic resolution has been achieved in air and liquids using FM-AFM [1]. Achieving...

  18. SPMW AFM at Video Rate and Beyond

    Online Presentations | 16 May 2007 | Contributor(s):: Mervyn Miles

    The particular advantages that atomic force microscopy (AFM) has over other types of microscopy are well-known, but it has the one major disadvantage of low imaging rates in conventional instruments in which each image requires typically a minute or more to collect. This has two major detrimental...

  19. Strategies for Preparation and Manufacture of Polymer-based Nanoparticulate Formulations

    Online Presentations | 21 Jul 2008 | Contributor(s):: Stephen R. Byrn

    Nanoparticles hold great promise for drug delivery applications. Several polymer-based formulations containing nanoparticles are in late phase development or on the market. In fact, polymer dispersions provide one of the best methods to prepare nanoparticles of small-molecule organic drugs....

  20. Subash N
