Tags: nanotransistors



A nanotransistor is a transistor whose dimensions are measured in nanometers. Transistors are used for switching and amplifying electronic signals. When combined in the millions and billions, they can be used to create sophisticated programmable information processors.


Questions & Answers (1-3 of 3)

  1. Hybrid CMOS/SET models for PSpice?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 2

    Hello! Can anyone tell me where can I find models for hybrid transistors (CMOS and Sinlgle Electron) for designing circuits in PSpice? I must find them for my homework. Thank you!


  2. What software to use to simulation nanotransistor

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 4


    Could you suggest me a software to use to simulate a vertical surround gate nanotransistor other than SUPREM and Pspice?

    Anyone had done any project involving a nano...


  3. How do I derive the 2D electron density used in nano MOSFET calculations?

    Q&A|Open | Responses: 1

    In nanomos-2.5, the density of charge is obtained by multiplying the square of the wavefunction by a prefactor: with semiclassical method, that prefactor is given by
