Tags: NV diamonds

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  1. Quantum Control Over Diamond Spins with a Mechanical Resonator

    Online Presentations | 24 Jan 2018 | Contributor(s):: Gregory David Fuchs

    I will describe our experiments to coherently couple NV center spins to gigahertz-frequency mechanical resonators using crystal lattice strain. In high-quality diamond mechanical resonators, we demonstrate coherent Rabi oscillations of NV center spins driven by mechanical motion instead of an...

  2. Spin-Orbitronics: A Route to Control Magnets via Spin-Orbit Interaction

    Online Presentations | 21 Jul 2017 | Contributor(s):: Upadhyaya, Pramey

    In this talk, I will present this “spin-orbitronic” control for various magnetic systems. In particular, we will focus on the example of spin-orbit-induced manipulation of magnetic domain walls and skyrmions, i.e. particle-like magnetic configurations capable of storing and...

  3. Coupling of Quantum Emitters to Localized and Propagating Plasmons

    Online Presentations | 13 Oct 2016 | Contributor(s):: Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi

    In this talk, I review our latest theoretical and experimental results concerning QE coupling to localized and propagating SP modes. In particular, influence of gap SP resonators on the decay rate of closely located QEs and different decay contributions are discussed as well as the dynamics of...

  4. Light Matter Interfaces for NV Center in Diamond

    Online Presentations | 11 Apr 2016 | Contributor(s):: Alexey V Akimov

    The NV center in diamond is attracting a lot of attention within the quantum information processing community. As a spin system in a clean and well-controlled environment of the diamond lattice, it exhibits outstanding performance as a quantum memory, even at room temperature....

  5. Quantum Error Correction for Metrology

    Online Presentations | 05 Apr 2016 | Contributor(s):: Fedor Jelezko

    I will discuss recent developments transforming quantum control tools into quantum technologies based on single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. I will present ultrasensitive MRI at nanoscale and recently developed magnetometry protocols that use quantum error correction as a resource....

  6. Engineering Diamond Color Centers for Quantum Information and Sensing

    Online Presentations | 11 Feb 2016 | Contributor(s):: Philip Hemmer

    For over a decade diamond color centers like the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) have been investigated for applications ranging from quantum storage registers to room temperature quantum computers to quantum enhanced bio-sensors. Recently silicon-vacancy (SiV) centers in diamond have showed potential to...

  7. Towards Light-Spin Interface for NV Center in Diamond

    Online Presentations | 17 Mar 2015 | Contributor(s):: Alexey V Akimov

    In this work we present our efforts on using CMOS compatible hyperbolic metamaterials and optical fibers to construct efficient single-photon sources and sensing elements using NV center in diamond.